mom to cujo
new cage
I bought my Cujo, a 3 - 4 month old male, a new Marchioro cage. It is quite large and I am so happy that I got it for him because he has sooo much more room to play. My problem is that he seems quite unsure of himself in there with all the extra space. He is a bit jumpy and nervous. Will this pass? I know that the more space the better (I've learned so much from all you knowledgable gp people) but I am concerned about his nervousness.
Also, I give him floor time everyday, but he is chewing on furniture. I have devised a way to block off certain areas, but still allow him quite a large area to run and play in. He seems annoyed that I've blocked off certain spots and wouldn't really run around last night - just looked for an escape and chewed on the furniture. Any suggestions?:lol:
I bought my Cujo, a 3 - 4 month old male, a new Marchioro cage. It is quite large and I am so happy that I got it for him because he has sooo much more room to play. My problem is that he seems quite unsure of himself in there with all the extra space. He is a bit jumpy and nervous. Will this pass? I know that the more space the better (I've learned so much from all you knowledgable gp people) but I am concerned about his nervousness.
Also, I give him floor time everyday, but he is chewing on furniture. I have devised a way to block off certain areas, but still allow him quite a large area to run and play in. He seems annoyed that I've blocked off certain spots and wouldn't really run around last night - just looked for an escape and chewed on the furniture. Any suggestions?:lol: