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Cage New cage for our boys

I tried potty training as well. I watched some videos and read some articles. It said that you put a litter box near there food and where there food is. Yeah I was so confident it would work. But it didn't. They go where they go and you cant help it. Although when spot cleaning I always check under the pigloos first, thats where they go most. They go in dark places I guess. So yeah no potty training really doesnt work for Piggies as other animals.
Here's how I have my litter box I got from Amazon. My oldest uses it always and all her poos are in there. My younger blind pigs has most of hers in her hidey but still in the litter box. Spot cleaning has gone from 20 minutes to like 2 minutes lol [GuineaPigCages.com] New cage for our boys
I wasn't talking about everyone when I said not to be rude no worries
The litter boxes I have seem to be where they go but I put them in the spots they potty the most so that could be why I have less mess
I like using them! It makes cleaning my fleece much easier
The litter boxes I have seem to be where they go but I put them in the spots they potty the most so that could be why I have less mess
I like using them! It makes cleaning my fleece much easier
Haha right!?!?
Kam I love it! Did the previous owner make the cage? If so how? What are the dimensions I'm wanting to make a new cage for my girlies. Fleece bedding how do you care for and is there a certain way?
And so litter boxes do work if u put them where the piggies tend to go. joy maybe for the dark places put a little cover per the litter box! That would work to make it darker
@calliebingo48 Are you talking about the multiple level cage? Its main level is too small and needs to have more room, so I would advise against getting it, unless you make the bottom level much bigger. This was already addressed in this thread. If you were talking about the cage at the top of this page, you can make those yourself. It is usually about $50 to make one, and they can be very large. Look on the main page of this website.

The litter boxes can work, but not 100%. A lot of their poop and pee will go there, but there will still be a lot of poop outside the litter box.
I bought it from a guinea pig owner who got it from a ferret owner
My husband and I had to adjust the ramps and put fleece on everything.
I bought it and washed ans dried it a few times then I wash it about once a week... I have a variety and get it when it's on sale :)
My boys LOVE their new cage!! They are exploring and wheeking. It makes me so happy to see them so excited
Oh id obliviously make the cage bigger because my girls love to explore! but I love the idea of it. I want to do a costume cage but I'm just brain storming ideas. Just thought cage was cute
Happy that you found a cage you like Kamkam
Ik it won't work 100% but it helps more correct
I haven't been able to make the bottom bigger yet so in the mean time they get extra floor time so they exercise regularly
Yes, but you have to make sure you get it in the spot where they poop the most, or they wil ignore the litterbox. Try putting poop in the litterbox or soiled bedding, if you use bedding. @calliebingo48
I am friends with a small mammals expert and she said that the cage I have is fine
She has used similar cages for squirrels, ferrets, rats ( animals bigger than piggies) even her own piggies... as long as they get their daily exercise in :)
Your piggies are so cute!
Just keep in mind that guinea pigs are not natural climbers, that is part of the reason why there needs to be a bigger bottom.
All the animals she has other than pigs are climbing animals, so she may think the cage is okay for guinea pigs, when it can actually be dangerous in some cases. Climbing animals can have cages with narrower bottoms and are taller, but non-climbing animals need shorter and longer cages. The size of the animal isn't really the problem.
Thanks Peanut! I'll try it once my new cage is built
Yeah we made sure to adjust the ramps for our low riding babies haha and a bigger bottom is in the works
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