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Cage New cage for our boys


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 22, 2014
Today we made a new home for our boys and they love it!!
Such a great investment
That ramp is totally unsuitable for pigs, and you'll have many a nail torn off, if not broken toes. It's too steep, and it needs to be covered in something that their feet won't go through.
I'd disassemble it and make it one level. Each level looks too small.
I got this cage from a previous guinea pig owner and while I appreciate the advice about the ramps there is no need to be rude
We're not being rude. We're telling you that the cage is 1) dangerous, and 2) too small. I'm sorry the previous owner of the cage wasn't more knowledgeable about guinea pigs, but they completely misinformed you that the cage you bought is acceptable for pig. Please read the Main tab at the top of this page for recommended cage sizes and structures, and look at the Photo Galleries for more ideas. The dimensions on that page have been adopted by, and are recommended by, the ASPCA.
I did check the specifications I have had my pigs for a while now and have done tons of research and even consulted a small mammals expert
And this cage is plenty big
I am currently wrapping the ramps in fleece now
For two pigs, the main level should be at least 8 square feet.
I apologies if it comes across as us being rude about it but we're just trying to be honest with you, no offense intended, just sharing up-to-date care information :). A lot of us here made the same mistakes to begin with and we're just trying to help. The person you got the cage from and the 'small mammal expert' were incorrect.

This happens more often, there are a lot of vets/pet stores etc. who are also unaware of the latest accurate care information and use size standards set by places like laboratories. Those sizes are the bare minimum of what they require to survive, not to live fulfilled, healthy long lives.

So while your pigs will most likely survive in those conditions they will not be as happy as they should be and the ramp is a death trap waiting to happen. Keeping them in a cage that size is cruel to them. They need the space to run laps and popcorn around happily.

Please refer to the size chart on here (it goes by the inner usable space):


Let us know if you need any help finding cage materials or cages that are the proper dimension/suitability for guinea pig use. :eek:
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I covered everything in fleece and lowered the ramps
They are running around and playing!
I am surprised with how quickly they adapt to their new space
The size was never my concern but I appreciate the ramp fleece and adjustments they seem much more comfortable with their space now
The size was never my concern but I appreciate the ramp fleece and adjustments they seem much more comfortable with their space now

It's really great that you adjusted the ramp so they won't get injured. However, the cage dimensions are still too small. Please see these videos as examples where you can see how the guinea pigs run fast laps, it makes them happier and healthier to have the space to do so. Your cage doesn't provide enough ground space for them to get some decent speed/distance going, whilst also having the space to put a hidey house:

I will look into expanding the bottom... in the mean time they will just get more floor time so they get plenty of exercise
I will look into expanding the bottom... in the mean time they will just get more floor time so they get plenty of exercise

That's a great start! I have no doubt they will be very grateful to be able to stretch their little legs a bit :eek:. Plus there's nothing more satisfying than seeing a happy pig do crazy laps and popcorns. It always makes me smile!
Ain't that the truth! ! Ours always popcorn at dinner time and floor time man oh man are they spoiled!
Don't take anything personal. When people reply to your posts they are stating facts quickly. As a new piggie owner I've been grateful for everything I've read and learned through this forum. The cage is cute and you did a great job but you will see major energy when you expand their living space. My two run crazy fast laps. You see piggies in pet stores and they are all in on hide and not moving. I thought this was how they were. Boy was I ever wrong! My boys fling bedding far and wide in the room when they are buzzing around. We sit their just laughing. My husband was skeptical about them at first but let's just say they are loved by us all.
I appreciate advice don't get me wrong I just prefer a polite execution haha
Mine are now going up and down the ramps and playing hide and seek with each other it is hysterical! !
Now my concern is where they potty!! they always went in the same spot so we were able to get litter boxes for them and now they have this new space, I worry they will go wherever haha
Now my concern is where they potty!! they always went in the same spot so we were able to get litter boxes for them and now they have this new space, I worry they will go wherever haha

Guinea pigs can't really be potty trained in any reliable way that I know of (if anyone does know, please do tell!). Although some will have a tendency to go in specific areas it'll depend on the pig and it's never a complete guarantee. Some are really good about it, some just go wherever no matter what you try. That said, I didn't find it that hard to deal with when using fleece/uhaul type bedding because you can easily sweep droppings up with a brush which doesn't take that long at all. I'm sure if you look around the forums there are plenty of ideas/solutions to make it easier to keep them clean but the reality is that pigs like to make a mess, especially right after you just cleaned :eek: Little rascals!
I don't think either of our comments were impolite or rude. We both stated that there were problems with the cage and offered suggestions to make it suitable.
I tried potty training as well. I watched some videos and read some articles. It said that you put a litter box near there food and where there food is. Yeah I was so confident it would work. But it didn't. They go where they go and you cant help it. Although when spot cleaning I always check under the pigloos first, thats where they go most. They go in dark places I guess. So yeah no potty training really doesnt work for Piggies as other animals.
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