I'm soo exited i get to build my piggies a c&c cage this weekend!! yay!
Right now I'm looking in the galery for some ideas
Do any of you know what your pigs like most in your c&c cages?
I know for shure that I am building a second level, and a hayrack...what else do your piggies enjoy?
I have two guinea's, do any of you have a cage that you think would fit them, and the kind of cage I want..one that you dont mind if I use your design?
I wan it big, and spacey, so they can fit there hidey huts, and run around..but not huge, because I have to be able to move around the room. And my mom says that "I'm sorry , but the pigs can't rule the entire house..one room is bad enough" lol.
Right now I'm looking in the galery for some ideas
Do any of you know what your pigs like most in your c&c cages?
I know for shure that I am building a second level, and a hayrack...what else do your piggies enjoy?
I have two guinea's, do any of you have a cage that you think would fit them, and the kind of cage I want..one that you dont mind if I use your design?
I wan it big, and spacey, so they can fit there hidey huts, and run around..but not huge, because I have to be able to move around the room. And my mom says that "I'm sorry , but the pigs can't rule the entire house..one room is bad enough" lol.