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Neutral forum?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 22, 2005
I'm not sure if this is in the right spot - it goes here, in Cavy Chat, or the Kitchen.

Okay, basically... are there any forums out there that are completely neutral on the major guinea pig issues (breeding, pet stores, etc.)? I'm not in support of any of these ideas, but... I don't know. I post in the Kitchen sometimes, and I hit the "Submit" button going, "crap, am I going to get banned/demoted this time?"

It's not that I dislike this forum, or that I'm in support of breeding or pet store animals, but... I just like being able to discuss things like this openly without fear of being punished. I love the advice given on this forum - I truly, honestly do. I love the ideals. I love what it advocates. But sometimes... I'm just totally and completely afraid to post on here when I disagree with something because it's different from what this forum stands for.

I know there are pro-breeding forums/websites out there, but I don't want those either. I just want something completely neutral, but still a good source of information. I found the perfect forum for fishies - Petfish.net is neutral, mainly for advice, friendly, and you can discuss any major fishkeeping issues without fear of being banned. I looked around Cavy Madness, but I think they're pro-breeding and pro-showing, and they didn't seem like that great of an information source.

So... help me out guys. Being hushed or told not to share my ideas or opinions (or punished for it) really bothers me. I mean, if it were a public thing, I could argue the first amendment, but then this is kind of a private organization/club/whatever, so I respect the fact that y'all have a right to not put up with what you see as morally wrong.

It just makes me nervous and uncomfortable to think that I'll be changed to "Cavy Person" or banned for sharing an opinion, y'know?

So, help me out guys - there's gotta be one out there somewhere.
The only way you will get demoted to Cavy Person is if you are a breeder/shower yourself or are like Louis, keep your cavy outside unsupervised in an unstable run and defend it. You won't get banned for saying you shop at Petco, you won't get banned for saying that you keep your cavies in a pet store cage. You might get demoted if you defend that that is the best and only option.

Anyway, here are some other options (I am member of all but two last)-

Cavies Galore ((broken link removed)) - Has breeders, showers, and rescuers, and people inbetween. Breeding pet quality is usually not welcomed. In an uproar with Guinea Lynx. Moderately active.

Cavy Madness (www.cavymadness.com) - One of the more neutral forums. Teresa recommends it for those who may not be completely anti-pet store, anti-breeding. Very Active.

Cavy Crazy ((broken link removed)) - A leaning twards rescue based forum. Not active.

The Pigloo ((broken link removed)) - Very rescue friendly. Pro breeding and pro pet store are generally not tolerated. Moderately active.

Guinea Pig's Society (https://groups.yahoo.com/group/Guinea_Pigs_Society/) - A Yahoo! Groups section. Probably more neutral. Breeders and rescuers alike are welcome. Very active.

Guinea Lynx (www.guinealynx.com) - A rescue friendly, non breeder forum. Great for emergencies and general health questions. In uproar with Cavies Galore. Very active.

ACBA Group (https://groups.yahoo.com/group/acba/) - A Yahoo! Groups board. Also a Breeding-friendly board. Must be member of ACBA. No animal rights or pro-rescue "crap" tolerated. Very Active. (Not for cavy huggers)

I am not a member of the last one, and I don't suggest it. You must be a member of the ACBA which means you have given them money, which means you have directly or indirectly suppoted animal testing. Conflicts amazingly with morals on this board.

I am not a member of GL because you must have a non-free email account. (ie not hotmail, yahoo, gmail).

*is really confused*

Okay, I swear I went to Cavy Madness like... not even a week ago, and the forums were viewable only by members, and it had a really clean looking layout in blue and pink (I think)... and I SWEAR the forum had a breeding/showing board.

Am I insane or something? I know I saw it the first time when Pooh was in the process of being banned, and I was just following links, trying to figure out what had happened, and happened upon that board...

...*so confused* Maybe because it's 5 am and I haven't gotten any sleep yet... >.<
Cavy Compendium? ((broken link removed))?
Ooooh, The Pigloo. That's from Chad right? I just registered there.

For some reason cavymadness never keeps me logged in. So I can never respond to any posts. I used to go there a lot, but because I could never participate in discussions, I've stopped going there.
slap_maxwell, I suggest you email Lynx and tell her about your email woes.
emithebug said:
I post in the Kitchen sometimes, and I hit the "Submit" button going, "crap, am I going to get banned/demoted this time?"
I think a lot of us feel like that. I did before I was a mod. Look where my passion on the subject got me. Believe me Emith nothing you have ever posted has made me even consider banning or demoting you.
emithebug said:
But sometimes... I'm just totally and completely afraid to post on here when I disagree with something because it's different from what this forum stands for.
I think the fear feeling comes in because you know you may be facing a debate. You don't have to fear being punished as long as you don't break forum rules or ignore warnings from the mods. Debates happen all the time. You just have to move on once it's over. Don't hold grudges and take it one thread at a time. A heated debate you have with someone one day may turn into that same person giving you much need advice or vice versa

emithebug said:
It just makes me nervous and uncomfortable to think that I'll be changed to "Cavy Person" or banned for sharing an opinion, y'know?
Like Slap said; people that got banned or demoted went WAY beyond what is appropriate on this forum. As far as I can tell you haven't even come close.

Maybe it was my reply to the Petco thread that made you extra nervous. You don't have to be. I may be a mod now but I am a poster as well. You get to talk back to me in a debate. If I get upset I won't be reaching for my ban button. If I feel things have gone too far I will have Ly or T (as a fresh outlook) look the thread over and decide if there is a problem.

If you feel you want to explore other forums you are welcome to do so...don't feel you have to leave here though.
Oh...one other thing I forgot to mention. Some of those other forums can give very questionable advice.

I have seen on these other forums;

-kids breeding their guinea pigs and asking "why did they die" and instead of people telling them maybe they shouldn't breed wishing them better luck next time.

-"Mentors" recommending small pet store cages and disuading people from building large custom cages.

-Administrators treating a sow with a prolapsed uterus themselves...and then continue breeding her.

-recommendations of inadequate food

-improper treatment of sick and lethal GPs.(resulting in death)

-anti-rescue/anti-adoption sentiments

Another problem with these "neutral forums" is that you are not allowed to tell anyone they are wrong. If a 13 year old is breeding dalxdal you have to wish them luck, ohh and ahh over any live babies and console them over the lethals or death of the sow. You are not allowed to tell them not to breed. You can try to gently educate them but if they refuse to listen...even for the stupidest reasons...you are expected to shrug your shoulders and say "oh well".

The general apathy on those forums really irritates me. Many of those people have no clue that they are part of the problem

For the sake of everyone getting along you have to embrace that apathy too.

A little story; I wanted to get along with my old next door neighbor. He had a dog he left tied outside all the time. I made gentle suggestions but he didn't listen. I could have continued in my apathy and gotten along with the neighbor but when I saw his dog with a tangled chain, unable to reach food, water or shelter for the second time I didn't just untangle her and remain apathetic. I unhooked her and took her. The neighbor wasn't happy but I put my foot down and said "either you let me place her in a better home or I report you to the SPCA for neglect". The dog has a loving home now...the neighbor avoided me after that but I did what was right...not what was easy.
It all happens. Its unfortunate.
I did what was right...not what was easy.

Yes...it's easy to buy a pet store cage and cedar shavings and give your pigs Hartz pellets and carrots, but it's right to have large cages, even if it means your bedroom is cramped because you have to fit in a 2x5 and 2.5x2.5 as well as your own bedroom furniture (my week in review) and you have to order hay and pellets over the internet and get two grocery bags full of veggies every week and the bedding costs $20 a bag and you have to get it at the store that's hard to get to but doesn't sell animals. That's what we're here for, right? To help each other do what's right?
This thread is now reopened with all of the off topic posts removed and placed in the Kitchen.

Feel free to continue this discussion. Be warned that I want it to remain on topic.

I am VERY unhappy about how badly this thread was hijacked and taken off topic. The guilty parties know who they are... behave and don't make me come after you!
I am a Mod at a couple of Pig forums (one of which was mentioned) and agree that the neutral forums do have problems. These forums can lose sunstance - they lose their reason for existing which is essentially the care of Guinea Pigs.

I do feel that if someone has posted on a Neutral forum, and is breeding in a highly irresponsible manner, that they should be corrected. Even if it's just that he/she should get the pig in question to the Vet and learn more about the process before attempting again. If someone has a problem with breeding and wants to tell others to discontinue, it's probably advisable to stear clear of neutral boards. I will not ooh and ahh over newborn litters if there is something that needs to be said.

Having said this though, I am yet to find a Neutral forum without it's underlying flaws. And none have been able to successfully take this 'combined worlds' perspective to it's full benefit.

So in answer to your question emithebug, I'd stick to boards where your views are the same as (or as close as you can get) to the people that frequent it. I wouldn't be scared of a debate either - Mods and Admins can get it wrong sometimes too!
Well said LucyLou
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