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Need new bedding and FAST


Well-known Member
Cavy Gazer
Mar 7, 2005
I am rearranging my room and finishing it, so when I went to move my cage it completley COLLAPSED. I was so frustrated because now not only do I have to completley rebuild the cage in a new design and zip-tie it, I have to clean up around 10 pounds of pine shavings off my carpet. My father of course still treats me like I'm young so he insists on building a wooden base then the coro. I don't want him to but he insists on it. I still hate the pine so much because it's such a mess and it smells alot. My parents are strict about bedding because they pay for it (I know, I know I have it good haha). They won't let me change it. I am working on convincing them. My question is, What is a good bedding that won't fly up and all around my room, is pretty or fairly cheap, is cleanable, and if spot cleaned it can be used for 2+ weeks. Sorry my demands are so high. Im considering revising them :)
There is nothing that will stay clean for 2 weeks straight except shavings. I use aspen and I dont have to clean out the cage for 3 weeks. I made the coroplast higher, approx. 8" high and I have no problem with shavings flying out. If you use fleece you will have to wash it every 3 days or so and many spot cleaning.

If you decide to stay with shavings, make your bottom sides higher to keep them in. If you decide to go with fleece then have many changes and expect washing them every few days.

Good luck
Ok I have changed my demands (haha)
It can be cleaned out every week.
I can't change the sides so I just need something that will only fling moderatley.
I have 2 boys in each cage of their own and 2 of them are alone. I change their fleece every 2 to 2.5 weeks and never smelled. The girls I change them every week since I have their feeding area with aspen bedding. fleece is the easier way to clean. How many piggers do you have.
I have 3 males. My problem with fleece is my boys like to pee out the wazoo alll over. They won't litter train either.
Try wood stove pellets.
slap_maxwell said:
Try wood stove pellets.

I find that yesterday's news is pretty exspensive. What kind are you talking about?

Also, does anyone know if cell sorb works?
I don't use litter pan at all. I jsut let them go where they want and I clean out the newspapers that are underneath them. You can use puppy pads too.
Yesterday's News is very expensive. Wood stove pellets are really cheap, and easy to use. Look at AmiableAnimals gallery, she uses them.

I think they sell WSP at Home Depot or Lowe's. You have to make sure there are no additives, just 100% wood.
I think the wood stove pellets look great if you have a really solid base -- my cage is on grids, and I think the weight would be too much. We extended our cage, and there are two rooms on either side with pine shavings and a little carefresh (also their hidey houses, food and hay racks -- one for each). The middle section is fleece. I add a little more pine in the wet areas daily, change the "litter pans" every four or five days, and only change the fleece every other time that I clean the pans. (Thankfully, they potty-trained better than my three-year-old!) I find the smell minimal, and since I can lift out the end coroplast boxes it is very easy to clean with a little Simple Green. I also stopped lining the bottom with newspaper -- it seemed to make the smell worse with paper soaking up the pee. Now if I am in a hurry, I can scoop out the really wet areas and add bedding until I have time to do a whole cage clean. Of course, I only have two pigs. I know that Slap has a little herd, and with that many, I think I would use all shavings over fleece, too. That's too much pee!
Try aspen mixed with a biodegradeble bedding like carefrsh and I think cel-sorb is okay I believe it is the walmart version of Carefresh. About the flinging put newspaper or plastic liner around the cage to catch the bedding
We used to change out our fleece bedding with bath towels underneath every 3-4 days. By the 4th day it started to smell. So, I extended the litter tray to the corners of the cage. At the other two corners are their hidey houses (also in litter trays). Take a look at my gallery to see our setup. I scoop out from the trays every 1-2 days. I changed the fleece & towels after a week, but it didn't smell at all. I guess it could go longer than a week, but once a week is fine for us :).
The stove pellets are ok. At first we used a mix of aspen+stove pellets, but it became a hassle scooping all of that bedding and heaving it to the dumpster at our apt complex. It was also pretty noisy since our cage is in the family room...kinda ruins the quiet part of a scary movie when our guys are running around :p. Also, our guys didn't seem to like it too much. Their footing wasn't very secure and they never popcorned. Only when we switched to fleece did they popcorn like crazy.
I use some pellet things. It is aspen pellets or something like that.
I do not remember the price but we recently started using something called critter care or something like that. It is something like carefresh and seems to work well.
Is this an okay litter?
(broken link removed)
I use critter care in my litter boxes. It works well. It's Wal-Mart's brand of carefresh.
I was going to get that tomorrow I was just ckecking all my options.
I have three pigs in a cage that is 2X4 squares. It's tooooo small.
But they seem to have enough room to bounce around in, and
I let them loose sometimes. Where the cage is so small, it must be
cleaned once every three days though, and thats a lot of WORK.
I want a bigger cage if I can make room for it in my 2 room apartment.
How much is critter care where you live?
If that question is for me, it's about $4 a bag.
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