I'm new here. I bought 2 piggies from Petsmart this saturday. I did research on cavies but only yesterday did I hear about the problem with pet stores. I'm having problems with one of my pigs. He looked really healthy but now his eyes are looking crusty and "just not well", maybe a little red or just sick looking. He also bites the heck out of me when I hold him. I give him treats and everything but he hates to be held. I do not see any obvious skin problems. Should I take him back to the store for a refund and search out a local breeder or shelter? My other piggy seems healthy but he is more skittish. They see the vet tomorrow BTW.
I'm new here. I bought 2 piggies from Petsmart this saturday. I did research on cavies but only yesterday did I hear about the problem with pet stores. I'm having problems with one of my pigs. He looked really healthy but now his eyes are looking crusty and "just not well", maybe a little red or just sick looking. He also bites the heck out of me when I hold him. I give him treats and everything but he hates to be held. I do not see any obvious skin problems. Should I take him back to the store for a refund and search out a local breeder or shelter? My other piggy seems healthy but he is more skittish. They see the vet tomorrow BTW.