i had a female rabbit names sugar because she was brown and white. now i have a male rabbit name oreo because he is black and white. but u should try to be original and find out what his or her personality is like before u name it.
I have a rabbit and he is outgrowing his cage. i want to make him a c&c cage but he is litter box traind and i dont know if i could put the litter box in there without him tipping it over. any ideas? or anyone else?
You guys all have awesome names!
My two were named Zipper (I didnt name him) and Luke. Luke's real name is Albert... I know, it sounds weird, but I got it from the movie "The Majestic" His name was Alberta, and his nickname was Luke. Anyways Luke died :'( So Im planning on getting Zipper another friend and naming him Albert Luke || in honor of... well Luke!