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Re: names

i had a female rabbit names sugar because she was brown and white. now i have a male rabbit name oreo because he is black and white. but u should try to be original and find out what his or her personality is like before u name it.


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rabbit question

HEy rabbit lover,

I have a rabbit and he is outgrowing his cage. i want to make him a c&c cage but he is litter box traind and i dont know if i could put the litter box in there without him tipping it over. any ideas? or anyone else?
Cute names!

You guys all have awesome names!;)
My two were named Zipper (I didnt name him) and Luke. Luke's real name is Albert... I know, it sounds weird, but I got it from the movie "The Majestic" His name was Alberta, and his nickname was Luke. Anyways Luke died :'( So Im planning on getting Zipper another friend and naming him Albert Luke || in honor of... well Luke!
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