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My super cavy palace


Cavy Slave
Feb 2, 2004
My super cavy palace


We made our dream-palace last night and I just want to show it to you all!

Please check out:

(broken link removed)

It was easier to make a website about our huge 3 layer cage.

Hope you like it!

Re: My super cavy palace

It looks so cool!
Is it hard to clean, though?
Re: super cavy palace.

Beautiful job. I also think it looks really hard to clean. Are your ramps made out of coroplast?

Hello, this is me again, Noukie. I had to get myself a different name, sorry, but I can still awnser your questions!

We made some changes in the cage: 'The Restaurant' became a Lounge also.
We took out the floor made of vinyl and replaced it with more comfy towels like in 'the juice bar'. They still have a small wooden home there and at the moment we regulary add either a small hammock or another wooden home, so they have something different at times.

They eat downstairs now, in 'the gym'.

Well, first, it's not exactly hard to clean, but not really easy either. We discovered Corbo, a product that is made out of the insides of corn or something, which really lasts much longer than the gatgrid we used before.
The towels are changed about every 3 days (depending on what mess they made) and because they spend a lot of time on the other levels, we only hae to replace the lower level with Corbo and a bit of sawdust-chips-thingies once in two weeks!

I clean it by getting all the corbo out, vacuum it for the last remains and then clean of the floor with a bit water and soap.
It takes longer than cleaning out my original standard bought cage, but it sure if a lot cleaner than that used to be, because it's so easy to get clean and there's no stuff sticking in corners or so.

So to sum it all up: it's a bit more work to clean out, but I dont have to do it so often :)

Our ramps are actually raingutters, bought at the local handyman-store. We cut them into pieces and attatched them to the grids with tie-wraps.

To badly, we never found out where to get coroplast here, so we had to use different materials.
Very neat website you have there! I love the cage, too!
Thank you very much :)

I'll have to update it some time soon, so the changes are more obvious. If I do, I'll be sure to tell everyone here.
nice cage n all but i think its to high not enough room to run in a straight line i think u should make a racetrack :p j/k
LeonThePiggyMAn said:
nice cage n all but i think its to high not enough room to run in a straight line i think u should make a racetrack :p j/k
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Nicely done but I think it is kinda small to be housing 4 guinea pigs. I have a 2x3 (which is the size of your base) with a 1x3 L shaped second level for 2 pigs, I can't imagine adding in more pigs without expanding the base. Still, nice cage.
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