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Loss My precious Honey passed away


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 28, 2011
Hey everyone from the forum. I don't know if you guys will remember about my piggie Honey. He was adopted by me on Sept 27th of this year. I only had him for 4 months and a day but it felt like a lifetime. He was so very loved with my family leaving such a painful loss to us. My baby died on December 28,2011 at 1 am. I can't believe he his gone. I enjoyed him while he lasted and I miss his little squeaks and whiskers to my cheeks. Who knew this little creature will surround my world. I loved him so dearly and he will be missed and always be kept in my heart.

At around 1 am I got back from a relatives. As I went in my room I did not hear Honey's squeak. I immediately checked why. As I saw Honey he was laying flat and couldn't move. I picked him up and all I saw was his eye look at me and his hands were clenching. Around two weeks ago Honey had green and yellow wet stuff coming out his mouth and was just in shock mode. I took him to the doc and they just sent me home with some medication to give orally. After two days he was better than ever eating just fine, even more happier than he has ever been just squeaking at everyone! I stopped the medication after 5 days. He was doing awesome without it. But back to that night he was wilting back his head and letting out soft squeaks. I know by the doc if he is chocking to blow in his mouth. But this wasn't working, But by his body he was frozen all he was moving was his head and eyes. Was this a minor stroke that took his life? After he passed I checked his throat and he had some parsley down his throat.(very slow eater since I got him) By the looks of it he was frozen and I felt like he had a stroke of some sort. He was blind in one eye also. Im in so much pain I feel guilty of not being there earlier but please can someone verify what they think happened please. :weepy: [GuineaPigCages.com] My precious Honey passed away
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I'm sorry for your loss Mimi.

I'm guessing the medicine Honey was on was an antibiotic? It's usually not a good idea to stop antibiotics before they're finished, because all that does is make the bacteria resistant. Sometimes symptoms can start to go away, but doesn't mean you should stop the meds. This is important for humans too! Just something to keep in mind next time you or your pigs are sick.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Thank you for your condolences they are very well appreciated. Yes it was. The prescription stated to only give him the meds 5 days and no longer than that. But these docs sometimes don't know it all. I did the best I can for him.
I am sorry for your loss. I am dealing with medical issues right now that are baffling as well. You can feel comfortable knowing you did all you could do.
Thank you so very much anydue. Yes that is what i'm keeping in my mind. "what if's" keep popping up which is hard. I hope to see your GP healthy and well he/she will be in my prayers. It is absolutely so tough to witness and also experience loss.
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