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my pigs scard the life out of me


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 11, 2005
Bubbleguine and oreo have been together for about a week and have been running around and having fun. Well today after my mom woke me up and I read my friends im since he is in India visiting his family, I turned around and Bubble and oreo were fighting and like rolling around. S I got them away from each other, and then I noticed this really bad smell coming from the cage. I have smelt it befor when I was introducing them to each other and it was from oreo. Oe thing I didn't notice was that Bubble or oreo never mounted or I guess cliamed dominace(sp). Was the smell a dominance(sp) thing. And that is randomly why they went at it and still want to fight. So I seperated them until further notice.
Don't seperate unless there is bloodshed.
But like they really got into it like there was going to be blood shed and if that happened I couldn't do anything cause i can't drive an dmy parents work.
Then seperate them by grids so they can still see each other. When your parents get home you should try and introduce them again or you could give them a couple days to settle down and try it again. Are they going through puberty?
Maybe you should make their cage bigger.
Umm, possibly oreo may be going through puberty but he is only like 2 months old. There cage is big, it is a 2x4 with and upstairs which is a 2x2. They seem to do fine when they r outside so i think i am going to do that again.
Bubbleguine, I have warned you before about your bad posting habits. I am warning you one last time to use proper capitalization and NO chat speak. If you fail to do this, you can be banned for 1 week.
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