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my pigs are kindof boring....


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 23, 2004
Am I just not giving them enough time? They won't play w/ toys, they hate their hammock, they sleep in their poopy-place, and they poopy in their sleepy place. all they really do is eat, sleep, and run around popcorning every once in a while.. what's wrong w/'em?? I'm jealous of the people who say their pigs play, or that when I see pics of piggies in hammocks...

*2 pigs, both 12 weeks old, had them 2 weeks*

You cant complain if you've only had them two weeks. It takes a looonnnnggg time for them to get used to being in a huge cage with strange noises, peoples and smells... also they probably play more at night when no one is around.
you know, i do hear them messing around, flipping their bedding out of the cage, etc. at night.. thank you. I didn't want to come on here saying they were boring if I didn't have ther ight to say it.. I've just never had piggies before, and I was kindfo getting sad that mine were kindof immobile..

Yes, maybe 2 weeks is not enough time. Eat, sleep, run around. Sounds normal. Your cage certainly looks big enough. Maybe the hammock is too high for them? What kind of toys do they have?
My guinea pigs still arent that used to me....one kinda is..but one whenever i approach the cage runs into her house and the other does it sometimes. and ive had them for 3 months!~!

lol i think ive been doing it right! any tips for them to get more comfortable around me?
It took mine about a month before he was running and jumping. Before that he was just eathing and sleeping. Anytime I cought him doing something interesting, he would run and hide. Its ok, it will be more fun.
I've had my piggy just under 3 months now and he is getting much more comfortable with me. Every night I sit down for at least 1/2 hour and feed him his veggies and hay, piece by piece through the side of the cage. (This is very handy as my computer is right next to the cage.)

Also, I try to respond to as many of his wheeks during the day as I can. If he's wheeking, I'll drop by his cage with a small piece of lettuce or hay and this has definately encouraged him to communicate more (sometimes a little bit too much....lol....)

Also, he used to freak out whenever anyone came near his cage so when we first got him, I draped a sheet over the cage and have gradually pulled it back as he has gotten more comfortable. So now he can see us all the time and doesn't freak out and hide everytime we come into the room.
I just looked at the pictures you posted. It looks like you've got a great set up for your pigs. I'm sure they just haven't gotten used to living in their new cage. It takes time for these little guys to get used to everything. Did you adopt them? or did you get them from a pet store? I'm thinking that maybe they just don't know what to do with their new big cage.

They're both very cute by the way! my first pigs were brothers, one Pink eyed white and the other was red like yours!
They are young give them time. Re the hammock, I have six guinea pigs at the moment and none of them will use a hammock, I lost a piggy in January to Lymphoma and he would constantly be in his hammock. Two of my piggies will use the piggy futons shown on guinea pig fun (broken link removed), while my other four will not.
ok cool thanks critterlover!~!
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