One of my little girls (age 3 1/2 months) has taken to nipping at me whenever I have her out for cuddle time. She used to be very skittish about being picked up but is much calmer now and I have been using cuddle & lap time to get her used to love and sometimes special nibbles of yummy food like parsley. However the last few times I have had her in my arms/hands for any length of time she has been nipping at my fingers. The first couple of times it seemed sort of exploratory and I thought maybe my hands smelt yummy to her. However the last few times it has seemed increasing aggressive, especially as she begins to struggle, as if she really does want to bite me or at least is giving me a warning. Is this normal? Is she just looking for food from me or is she trying to tell me to put her down? If so, it has worked - I sure don't want her to bite me! Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.