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My piggie is mounting bunny!


Cavy Slave
Aug 15, 2004
Yesterday my girl Kika got really macho and mounted Manny the bunny and actually humped her!

I've seen Kika doing rumblestrutting before, and I heard that they do this for dominance, but this is the first time I saw a piggie humping a bunny. Mind you, Manny is much bigger than Kika.

She circled around Manny 360degree, all the while rumblestrutting. Then she mounted Manny and actually began to hump. The whole ritual was repeated again. She acted so much like a male, that I had to check her genital and convince myself that she is indeed a she.

Is this normal?

Manny didn't seem to like it a bit.
That is too funny! I don't know if it's normal or not, but it it wierd! Maybe she thinks she's a he! lol
Theilian, rabbits and piggies should *never* be together, even if it is only for playtime. They can be killed by a rabbit's powerful hind foot and be seriously injured.
I ditton what mncavylover said. Can you imagine if it were the other way round. the rabbit started mounting the guinea pig. That may be funny to you, but would be seriously dangerous and scary for the pig. You can let them play together by all means, but with supervision ALL the time
yes that is normal behavior for guinea pigs. even female guinea pigs will mount others (in this case a rabbit). it is a dominance thing and usually the one doing the mounting is the dominant one.

and as mentioned above, guinea pigs and rabbits should never be put together. if they live together, you may have a problem because guinea pigs should never eat rabbit pellets. some contain a medicine for rabbits (hardly any more have this but there are a few brands out there that do) that can be toxic to your piggie. also like mentioned before, the hind legs of a rabbit can be fatal.

also, if the rabbit is young, it may be harboring some diseases that are deadly to guinea pigs. thats why pet stores are never suppose to house guinea pigs with young rabbits.
It's normal animal behaviour. My female dog used to constantly hump my male dog. It's simply a dominance thing.
Guinea pigs should ONLY live with other guinea pigs! If that pig mounts that bunny, the bunny could back kick and kill your pig!
Yeah I have a guinea pig who does that to my rabbit... and yes i watch them every waking moment of their lives.. well while their playtime is together but i dont think its anything bad but just make sure your rabbit isn't getting upset from it cuz yea it could be dangerous...

.::.::.::Angie and Everyone::.::.::.
Like mentioned above ~ totally normal. I have read a book that said that guinea pigs and rabbits make fine cage mates. I knew that was false info but there are some people who wouldnt. It is so stupid how much untrue and bad info some books have.
You shouldn't even have them together for playtime. What's the point? They can't communicate, and one kick--dead.
speaking of...

i just went to a pet store yesterday and saw this little baby guinea pig stuck in a wire floored cage with this huge rabbit! the poor piggy was sitting in its food dish to get off the wire bottom and was also eating food from the dish which was probably all dirty with his poop and pee (and probably rabbit food). the poor thing was a peruvian (i am assuming) and its hair was all matted and stringy in some places. i wasnt able to see his feet because he was in the food bowl but im sure he had more problems. i just cant believe that they put a baby guinea pig with a full grown adult rabbit. i know it wasnt a dwarf rabbit either, it was much bigger.

anyway i told the petstore worker and he didnt seem to care at all and said they were fine. so i asked to speak to the manager and i told him about it. they had several empty cages (all wire flooring though) but i helped him lay out a thick layer of newspaper to cover the bottom and we transfered the guinea pig into that cage. i even offered to buy a bag of guinea pig food (not rabbit food) so the store could feed him the right food. but the manager said dont worry about purchasing it and just opened a brand new bag of guinea pig food and gave it to the little piggie.

the manager was really nice about the whole thing and hopefully will keep all his guinea pigs on solid bottom cages. i would have bought the poor thing (i was so close to) but i dont have the space to expand my cage right now. i will probably be back there to check up on the little guy. poor thing.
awww...poor thing. Glad you were there to tell them how they should be kept!
Yea I have heard of alot of petstores that dont cage the guinea pigs properly. Mine does a pretty good job but I am a little suspious(sp?) I bought my first piigy from there and they old me he was a girl. And he really is a guy so they probably had guys ad girls mixed. Just another reason not to buy from a petstore I suppose. I know I will never do that again. ( even though I love my piggy to death!) LOL
i know what you guys mean. i bought my first guinea pig at a petstore that wasnt bad.

they were all kep together with no rabbits, lots of hay (which i usually dont see in petstores) and food and water.
theilian, please come back and read what we have written. Unless there is constant supervision, seperate the pigs from the rabbit straight away. I just keep on thinking, what if the bunny got annoyed and kicked the guinea pig off with its hind leg?
Thanks, Starbucks! You may have saved his life. *hug*
CritterLuver419 said:
Yeah I have a guinea pig who does that to my rabbit... and yes i watch them every waking moment of their lives.. well while their playtime is together but i dont think its anything bad but just make sure your rabbit isn't getting upset from it cuz yea it could be dangerous...

.::.::.::Angie and Everyone::.::.::.
playtime with pigs and rabbits is a no no. as funny/cute/convenient as it may be for you, they could injure one another. It doesnt matter if they are friends, because the injuries are rarely made on purpose - accidents, but they have pretty bad outcomes. juist give them floor time seperately. if youre worried about them getting lonely, get them a buddy. The cost difference between keeping one or two guinea pigs isnt that much.
I read posts, and thank you all for advices.
My bunny is yet very young, and they like one another so much that I'm hesitant to totally separate them during play time. They feel insecure when bunny isn't around. But I'll do it for only limited time certainly with vigilant supervision.
Of course if she grows bigger or shows dominance toward piggies, I'll not have them together at all.
if the bunny is young, you should seperate them immediately. young rabbits carry certain diseases that can be deadly to guinea pigs! please seperate them as soon as possible. for the guinea pig's and your sake. if anything happened to them im sure you would be crushed.

also, you said "Of course if she grows bigger or shows dominance toward piggies, I'll not have them together at all."

by the time the rabbit "shows dominance toward piggies" it may be too late. please keep everything mentioned above in mind.
I thank you for doing this, but even a few seconds together means a chance of death.
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