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My... parents!!!


Cavy Slave
Dec 30, 2004
Okay. This is getting to be very frustrating. I am lucky enough to get TWO pigs, because of my parents thought of slipping in my studies at school! I found this site, and I already know all the locations of coroplast and grids, and i read how to make C&C cages and it seems that my sister and I can do it ourselves. the problem is that my parents... they'll get mad when they hear that I want a new cage for my piggies, when they spent $40 on that very small one they bought (about 14x40! <-----that's all! well the piggies can go ontop of the pigloo and we also made an extra 12x9 2nd story space just yesterday, but they seemed to be not interested in it).
sorry i accidently typed tab and enter for no reason... sorry. anyways, what should i do to get my piggies a new, larger home?


p.s. my parents never help with anything, like cleaning the cage and water bottle...
I suggest that you prove your point to them. Start by showing them this site, and tell them what you know. You can print off info if they won't look here. Also, you can raise money yourself for the materials--that's what I did. It costed a lot for mine (I made it more than was needed), but usually the cost should be about $40, and for a lot more space! Good luck.
You could always incorporate their old cage into the new one.
Tell them that they would smell a lot less in the new cage. That was a big point for my mom. I just kept asking her and pointing out how much better a C&C cage would be for them.

Is you cage so new that you could return it?
Thanks for all of your replies guys. tashagurl, i'm going to tell them that it's going to smell a lot less. that's one of her big complaints! and, no, our cage isn't new... man, i wish i found this site earlier. oh well. My plan is to clean up the area where the guinea pigs stay, and also maybe clean my room :), then make sure they're happy about their day and financially happy, (maybe at the end of the week when they get their paycheck or something...) then i'll ask. i'm going to tell them everything i know.
I wish you good luck!!
good luck, I hope your parents agree
Thanks guys. I was looking at the photo gallery earlier, and I saw a picture of a very clean cage, and the guinea pigs were potty trained. There wasn't any bedding either, there was only towels on the floor of the cage; and of course there was bedding in the litter box. So like a few minutes ago, I asked her if we can change the piggies home so that all we can use are towels, and a litter box that I made her buy a month ago, and she's like "no". I told her how that's going to be way easier to clean, and would STAY clean, and would also smell a lot less, but she didn't understand how i would get a towel to try this out, so just to make her happy, i'm going use rags for a few days... just to see how things turn out... so she's like, okay. I also told her there's less bedding to buy. I think she was happy about that :D. So, next week when I clean the piggies, cage, then i'll try the new "method". if it works, my mom will be the happiest human being i've ever seen on earth... and that means i can ask for cubes... YAY! I just hope things turn out okay.

How do you potty train guinea pigs?
Dont be disapointed if your pigs dont get potty training at first. Ive heard it could take awile.
Well today is the first time I am using fleece. The boys has no problem using the litter pan maybe a few poops here and there. The girls fine withpeeing in the pan but poop is everywhere. It will take time. My husband loves the fleece better than the bedding.
my parents like fleece better then bedding also
You can contribute to the cost of the cage. I had to pay for everything - the cage, the hay, the pigs, the food but now my parents pay for the food and hay etc. I saved up my lunch money for 2 months to pay for everything!
2 months! I can't wait two months... I'm very impatient :D

Yesterday, I told my mom about the idea of using fleece, but she wouldn't accept, then I told her that we can use [clean] rags, and she said Okay. If everything works out; if the piggies can be potty trained, then she'll be very happy and maybe will get my fleece. I also told my dad the idea that my sister and I want a bigger cage for the piggies, and he said, "okay, what do we need?" I said that we needed to buy cubes, and I showed him the picture of it. He said that we should use chicken wire! I don't know about this, but does chicken wire pose any kind of health risks to the ginnys? He said that he's going to help make us a cage with chicken wire and wooden frames... what are your views on this issue?

2 months is nothing! I had to wait 6 and a half months for my pigs and I'm probably the most impactient person in the world!

Chicken wire and wood, sounds pretty cool. I swear there is a pic in the photo gallery of someone who used these materials, maybe it was somewhere else... How much does chicken wire cost? Cubes are like 5 pounds (uk) for 13, so C&C cages are really cheap to make. Can you pay for the fleece yourself? I use towels and they are cheap to buy and very absorbant. maybe your parents would say ok to towels.
Cubes and Coroplast is much cheaper and easier to make than wood and chicken wire though. I got two sets of six cubes for 16 dollars(Target had it on sale) and two sheets of coroplast for 20 dollars. For a large enough wooden cage it would cost much more than 36 dollars! I can understand if you can't find the materials, but I'm sure since you're in the U.S. you can find them. Also, what will you cover the bottom of the cage with? I understand you're trying to litter train them, but even them some pigs let leaks from time to time. The urine can ruin wood. Did you show him how easy it is to make these cages on the site?
yea, i think cubes would be better than chicken wire. My mom was in a pretty good mood today, so I asked her if we could make the piggies' cage larger, and surprisingly, she said ok, as long as we can pay for it, and get my dad's permission. He surprised me pretty good too, when he said that he suggests to go to walmart with my mom tomorrow to see if they have the cubes. Of course, I have doubt that my mom would take me. Oh well. Money is fine with me, because they'll still be paying for it because they told us that they'll give us money for good grades.
My piggies are smarter that i thought. My sister insisted on cleaning the piggies' cage today, and try out the litter box that we bought a month ago, and the piggies have seemed to catch on the idea. once in a while, when they use the little box, we would give them a healthy treat; a carrot or some lettuce, and that kinda got them going. the only problem is that when they're in the litter box, and they think that they're using it, their butt is hanging out of the box, and they pee outside of it. lol. I might have to look for a different litter box with higher sides, or maybe there's a different alternative?

I know they're going to say 'no' to coroplasts, because I already told them that they can be litter trained, which was kinda a lie. =D, but since my dad is a woodworker, he can get free wood and put some sort of finishing or varnish or whatever, so it would be urine-proof. we'll put that under the towels or rags.

thanks for your support
My walmart didnt have cubes. But Target has them.
Yea. Target is a lot closer to our house, but I checked out Target's website, and didn't find any cubes on there. Are you sure they have them?

Anyways, my mom seems confident that we are going tomorrow. I just hope that really happens. =D. TTYL!
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