yea, i think cubes would be better than chicken wire. My mom was in a pretty good mood today, so I asked her if we could make the piggies' cage larger, and surprisingly, she said ok, as long as we can pay for it, and get my dad's permission. He surprised me pretty good too, when he said that he suggests to go to walmart with my mom tomorrow to see if they have the cubes. Of course, I have doubt that my mom would take me. Oh well. Money is fine with me, because they'll still be paying for it because they told us that they'll give us money for good grades.
My piggies are smarter that i thought. My sister insisted on cleaning the piggies' cage today, and try out the litter box that we bought a month ago, and the piggies have seemed to catch on the idea. once in a while, when they use the little box, we would give them a healthy treat; a carrot or some lettuce, and that kinda got them going. the only problem is that when they're in the litter box, and they think that they're using it, their butt is hanging out of the box, and they pee outside of it. lol. I might have to look for a different litter box with higher sides, or maybe there's a different alternative?
I know they're going to say 'no' to coroplasts, because I already told them that they can be litter trained, which was kinda a lie. =D, but since my dad is a woodworker, he can get free wood and put some sort of finishing or varnish or whatever, so it would be urine-proof. we'll put that under the towels or rags.
thanks for your support