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Lump My newest addition has a lump on her side! please help!


Cavy Slave
Jun 9, 2012
Hi, I just got a 3-4 year old girl from my friend who didn't want her anymore. She was on poor food (with seeds) and also she had a ball for her. Shes pretty fat, compared to my other piggies shes almost twice there size... Shes pretty mellow and when I pick her up she squeaks. I thought that this was because she didn't know me very well and i only got her on saturday! Everyone is getting along good (that goodness, I think all my pigs are pretty social and like being around each other.) Anyways, I will take her to the vet, but I'd like to know how much a reputable vet visit would cost (an estimate). I also want to know if I should separate her from the rest, they've just gotten aquainted so I'd rather not, but I dont know if this is anything like she could pass on. She is eating and drinking fine also.. Thank you! also the lump seems bigger than a dime but smaller than a quater- I didnt want to feel around to much in case it is sensitive!
It could be a cyst. I've had two guinea pigs with cysts that my vet was able to clean out. If they're really large, they sometimes have to surgically remove them. My vet charged me $31 for the office visit and $10 for silver sulfadiazine cream. The appt was August of last year.
It could also be a lipoma, which is a fatty tumor. Most don't cause any problems unless they're in a place that bothers the pig, like under the arm, or unless they get really large.
The average for a visit to my vet is $43 for a check up on 2 pigs. I don't have experience with lumps, but most cavy vets charge under $50 for a visit plus whatever extra procedures or medicinal products are provided to you. For example, when my pigs had lice it was $43 for the check up, plus $10 for the antibiotic to treat one piggie's mild URI and $20 for Revolution.
It's best to take her in and have the vet take a look at the lump. If it's a tumor or an abscess it will need to be removed. Some cysts also grow quite large and need removing as well.
Definitely take her in to get a check up. I'm thinking altogether 60. That should include a fine needle aspirate to see what the lump is. Lumps are not to be triffled with. I learned this the hard way =(
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