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My new pig isn't eating


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 1, 2005
I just got another guinea pig, and put him in a 2x3 cage. He came from my boss's home whose son was no longer taking care of him. His cage is like 5 times as big now, but he won't eat. I put some of his old pellets (not a good kind) and mixed them with mine, and I put his old toys and lots of veggies, but he won't eat anything. I tried to put him on my lap and feed him but he kept turning away. Is he depressed? Oh yeah, he's a huge pig (compared to the two I have who are both less than than 9 weeks old), he's almost two years old too. Let me know what you think.
How long ago did you get him?
If he doesn't eat after twelve hours of being there, I would strongly suggest hand-feeding him, and don't give up. Has he been to the vet yet?
are you sure he;s not eating anything? sometimes they eat small amounts of food because that is all they want. Give him plenty of hay,try leaving him alone as in you are out of the room and turn the lights off(my pigs are more active when my room is dark" this may give him courage to go and get some food. Check on him after two or three hours.
How about nice stuff such as carrots, apples, cucumber or parsley? Even when mine were totally freaked out, they took interest in those. Of course, I would have to go away before they mustered enough courage to eat the food. Does he have a hidey house?
When Mischief was being picky, I found putting hay in her hidey house worked extremely well. She also moved around more when I kept the lights out. Hope he starts eating soon :\
Thanks, I will put hay in his hidey house. I got him early this morning. His previous owner said that she just had taken him to the vet for a checkup. I put red pepper, romaine lettuc, a small carrot, and some cilantro in his cage. He didn't touch any of it! Then I gave him some green beans because that's what his owner mainly gave him, and I had to force him to finish half of one. I feel bad, like he's really unhappy.
take him to the vet ASAP!
Umm I think he is fine. If he was just at the vet today, I mean come on now. He's just nervous, mine didn't eat for the first 12 hours or so, they just sat in their houses. It wasn't until that night I heard them munching on hay. Don't worry about it, just give him his space. Don't force him to do anything right now.
That makes me feel better. My boss said she just took him to his wellness check up. He is a fat pig and everything, it's just he's so depressed looking. I've never had an adult pig, maybe it's that I dont know. I just made him eat another green bean, so he's had two green beans today at least. Every other veggie is untouched his food doesn't look tooched either.
Ms Jenny, a guinea pig can easily suffer from anorexia if they don't eat enough within the first twelve hours. If he isn't eating hay, pellets, or veggies yet, I would worry for him. I forced Pippin to eat a carrot and some pellets the night I got him because he refused to eat. As long as you get something in him he should be fine, just make sure to carefully observe and monitor him.
Pigs will not suffer from anorexia unless they have NOT eaten for up to 12 hours. Here is a direct quote from guinealynx:
If your guinea pig has stopped eating (shown little or no interest in food over a 6 to 12 hour period, with a drop in elimination and urine), it is imperative that you see a vet to treat the cause and start working immediately to get food moving through the system.

Most of the time, the reason new pigs don't want to eat is because they are in a new environment and may be stressed out. Unless you have sat there and watched him every second since you brought him home, he could be eating and you don't know. There were two of my girls that were like that. They didn't appear to be eating and didn't eat the veggies that were offered either. They were scared and not used to being here. But they were drinking and eating a few pellets when I wasn't paying attention and I know that because I measured the amount of pellets and then measured the amount left in the dish. If this pigs previous owner mainly fed him green beans and little of any other veggie, he may not be used to the veggies being offered and may be leary of them.
It was weird because, my other two guinea pigs who weigh less than half a pound each, go through lettuce sooo fast. This guy would not touch it, kept turning away his head. The vet did say he was healthy though. His butt is really really oily/greasy, I gave him a bath. Is that normal? For those people who have boys. I am going to go check his dish. Oh and his old owner fed him out of a water dish, will he figure the bottle out? I have both in his cage now.
put a water dish underneath of the waterbottle. Most pigs figure the water bottle out easily, but just incase.
Weird... I read somewhere that pigs should never been given green beans cause they're toxic.

But I agree, it sounds like the little guy doesn't know real lettuce. I'd keep trying.
I don't think green beans are a problem. I think there's one type of bean that they should avoid...but I can't remember which one.
They can't have red kidney beans. Green beans are not toxic and are fine for piggies to eat.
Thank you! I was slightly worried for a moment. :)
I should have added that they can't have dried beans or dried peas either. Fresh peas in pods are fine.
Thanks everyone. Today at around 4 as I was leaving to do errands, I saw him take a piece of hay. I am happy. I also weighed his food dish and it's lost about ten grams. He must be eating a little. I am sooo happy, especially since this morning, twenty four hours later, I was still forcing him his green beans. He still won't touch the lettuce, but we'll work on that.
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