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my Ikea cage!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 23, 2004
We had been wanting to do the coroplast cages, but couldn't find any...

Then I realized that we had this old "wardrobe" thing from Ikea that was made completely out of coroplast (attached to a wood frame). It's some cheapie thing we got a year ago (bc we couldnt afford a real armoire) and we had been using it as sort of like a TV cabinet. (It's got 4 sides and a back and an open front, which had a little curtain hanging down..).

You can see what I'm talking about by going to Ikea's site. It's under Wardrobes and it's called "Vestby". Here's a link, if it works:
(broken link removed)

Anyway, I figured I'd use the big coroplast sheet from the back to make a cage. But, then I decided to just use the actual wardrobe itself. I just laid it on it's back and made a few tweaks...then isntalled a wire fence at one end so that it would hold the water bottles, etc. Now they have a lovely 36 x 54 cage. If you look at the picture, you'll see what I mean..but you can make it either 36 x 72 (full length and not installing the shelf) or 36 x 54 (by installing the top shelf and then we just used a little handsaw to chop off the legs). It's about 16.5 inches tall.

Anyway, it was only $39 and I think that Ikea still has them in their product line. (THey also have a dresser which you could adjust to use and it'd be 31 x 26 and is $30) It doesn't have a top, but we'll figure that out later.

Our pigs are LOVING having so much space! And we love that no bedding can get out!!
I would love to see some pictures of the cage. It sounds really cool.
Wow. Very creative and I'd say brave of you to turn this piece of furniture into a cavy cage!
Here are two pictures. One long ways and the other showing how I inserted the wire fence to hold the water bottle, etc.

Does anyone else find their pigs seem "scared" at first to have a huge space. Usually they're very calm around us, but right now they dont wanna come out of their tubes much if we're in there. We also find this is true during floor-time.

Anyway, it was only $39 to make this cage and literally takes no time at all! If you want it bigger, it can be 72 x 36.. I cut it shorter (at teh top shelf) to make it 54 x 36 to fit into our room.

[GuineaPigCages.com] my Ikea cage!

[GuineaPigCages.com] my Ikea cage!
It sounds normal. In such a large, open space they should be frightened for a while because that's where it's easiest for predators to find them.
wow !!! thats so cool
Wow, great idea. I wish I had one!
Well, I do believe Ikea delivers....not sure how much it'd cost. There are Ikeas all over the US, not sure about Canada. The cost of the wardrobe was only $39, so not sure how much shipping would be.
Yes, we have some in Canada, although the nearest is in a neighboring city. Ah, I already have a cage, but it's in the living room and the wardrobe would be much more asthetic, that's why I liked it so much. Thanks for the info.
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