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General My guinea pig might be dying...


Cavy Slave
Sep 21, 2010
So, my almost 4 year old neutered male Snowtoes might be dying. (He was born on August 26, 2007). I've had him since I was 9 years old (I'm 13 now) and he might be dying. Last week, my dad and I noticed Snowtoes was drooling so we took him to the vet. The vet said he had overgrown teeth, and he'd need them shortened. So, Monday he had his $450 dental surgery, and he was still alive and doing okay. He hasn't really been eating, and this morning we found him with blood on the inside of his ankles, and there was also fur missing there. We think his cage mates (Rosie and Bubbles, two SPCA guinea pigs we adopted last November) attacked him because he was noticeably weaker. My dad told me he was dying, and there wasn't much we could do about it. I started crying and asked if we could take him to the vet, because maybe he was still having problems with his teeth. So we took him to the same vet we did last week, and she says she think Snowtoes might have scurvy. Which makes sense. We used to give the guinea pigs multi-vitamins, until I told my dad we should stop, just in case of an over dosage of the other vitamins. And then we went out looking for liquid vitamin C, with no luck. (the vet told us we could give Snowtoes multivitamins, but not too much.) The vet is keeping Snowtoes at her house and by her side, and he will be with somebody 24 hours a day for a few days, and she's force feeding him and giving him vitamin C injections. My dad says there's less than a 50% chance he'll survive. But that's still something right? I feel like this is all my fault. He also lost tons of weight, because I bought a scale to weight them but never weighed them. It's all my fault. And I'm really sorry. I know you might just be thinking I'm some irresponsible, immature 13 year old, but I can't see Snowtoes go. I really just can't. Will you pray for him? Please? He only needs strength to get through this. Please. You have no idea how much he means to me. He was my very first guinea pig, and I remember being 9 years old, and going to the petting zoo I got him from, and telling my dad he was my favorite guinea pig there, out of about 15. Please. He can't die yet. He just can't.
I am so sorry for the distress you are in over Snowtoes. I can see you love him very much. I do hope he gets thru this so you can love him again.
A couple of questions. Is vitamins all you are feeding for vitamin c? Are you feeding veggies and a good grass hay?
Pigs can get enough vitamin c from a good pellet, veggies every day. By having unlimited hay, it helps keep the teeth knawed down and helps with indigestion.
With a little more information about Snowtoes life and eating habits, we can help you help him.
Oh honey, I am so sorry about Snowtoes, and we most certainly will say a prayer for him !! I am so sorry you are going through all of this :weepy:...please keep us updated on how he is doing, o.k. ?

When you are ready...we can help guide you toward some really great information on diet, nutrition, and so on...if you would like, just let us know if you have any questions, and we will do our best to help you !:) In the meantime, we sure hope your little guy pulls through...please keep us posted.
Awww I am so sorry. I really hope he/she turns out ok. You have my deepest sympathy. I can't really think of anything comforting to say... But you just have to let things go. I hope he/she makes it. Scurvy can be deadly. :(
This is so sad, I really hope Snowtoes makes it. It sounds like your vet cares for him very much and is going to do everything she can to help. I'll keep him in my thoughts.
I'm sorry too ! Please keep us updated as a lot of the members here have good advice, having been through many health issues with their own pigs. I hope you will come back and ask questions and follow the nutrition advice and threads for the sake of your other guinea pigs, too ! There is so much to learn and we're always happy to help. I'll keep a good thought for Snowtoes, too !
Thank-you everyone for commenting. It really means a lot to know that someone cares :).
If Snowtoes does live, he's going to have to get his teeth grinded down by the vet every year or so, just because the vet discovered one of his molers is a bit farther to the centre of his mouth than normal, a little "birth defect" and it is impossible for him to grind it down on his own. And when Snowtoes went to the vet last week, his cagemates (Rosie and Bubbles) got very upset. Today, while Snowtoes is with the vet, the girls seem like they don't really care. I think they noticed Snowtoes was sick and becoming weak, and they attacked him, and now they're glad they don't have to share their food. They are absolutely crazy about food. The first day we had them, we went through a bundle of lettuce, and a bundle of parsley, in one day! Anyways, My dad and I are going to the drugstore and finding some chewable vitamin C tablets, and split them up so each piggy will get 10 - 30 mg of vitamin C a day. But, does anyone have any advice of vegtables/fruits that are high in vitamin C, that piggies like to eat? Thank you so so so so so much!!
Green bell pepper is one food they should have each day. It is high in vitamin C and low in sugar. Read here for the nutrition charts and see our nutrition forum for sample menus:

Corriander/Cilantro is also a good source of vitamin C.

Good luck with Snowtoes.
Is it only the green pepper? I usually give Henry a mix of green/yellow/red ect
Green are ok for every day, yellow less often and red a couple of times a week or so. Ly's charts (above link) say 2-4 times a week. Red have too much sugar to feed daily. And, being sweeter, the pigs can reject the green if they get used to having the red often.
What is your vet feeding Snowtoes? It might help to know what exactly she's doing to him.

Multivitamins are not recommended, since it's possible to overdose of vitamins other than C. You need a plain tablet that has only ascorbic acid. Oxbow's Daily C tablets are great, and my guinea pigs love them since they are pineapple flavored.

You can provide enough vitamin C through a good variety of vegetables (leafy greens like red leaf or green leaf lettuce, romaine, escarole, endive, cilantro, bell pepper) as well as other vegetables, but you may wish to supplement with a small amount of a high-quality tablet like Oxbow's Daily C. It's not necessary to supplement, though.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Snowtoes!
Good news :) The vet called around 2:30 and says Snowtoes has been making great progress!! He went from 1 kg - 1.2 kg in 24 hours, which is fantastic considering he lost a TON of his weight. He was also 2 degrees Celsius below what temperature he should be, and now he is only 0.2 degrees below what he should be. I am now very confident that he will get through this, but I still am well aware there is a possibility he will die. When he comes home in a few days, he will be separated from Rosie and Bubbles until he gets stronger again. I am going grocery shopping with my mom tomorrow, and we will be getting some veggies for the piggies, and I'm working out a diet plan tonight. Thanks everyone for your help. I feel like I haven't been the greatest pet owner lately, but I promise I will try harder :)
Don't blame yourself! It seems like you just didn't know. I am glad he is improving!
That is wonderful news about Snowtoes progress !! Hooray ! :cool:

Do you or your Mom have a printer ? You know what I did which made it really easy for me to follow ? I printed out Ly&Pigs sample diet menu's. She has weekly menu's one can follow, and later use as a great guide. I printed out the section for 2 piggies, and have it up on my refridgerator, where I can refer to it as I prepare my grocery list or even for that evening/morning meal. Here is her sample menu in this link below, "click" it out !


With education, comes knowledge...with knoweldge comes responsibility. I know you love your sweet piggies, or you would not be here asking for help and guidance. All we can do when we have made mistakes is to learn from them, and pass that wisdom onto others.....we have all made our own share of mistakes, believe me. We are all here for you too...and praying and hoping right along with you that Snowtoes will continue to improve !❤️
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I'm so happy he's doing better! Ask your vet to teach you how to hand feed when he's going to come home. He will need a lot of attention because not only will he be recovering but he wont have the companionship of the other piggies. I sit and read a book with my pig or do homework sitting next to his cage during the school year. It helps to read a couple words out loud now and then in a soft voice, to keep him company.
Bad news. Snowtoes died today around 3pm.

The girls (my other piggies, Rosie and Bubbles) are getting vitamin C supplements tonight, and every night, and I'm weighing them every Sunday. Rosie was 3lbs, Bubbles was 3lbs. 1oz.

@Henrysmommy I do the exact same thing during the school year, I always do homework near their cage. In the summer, I take my piggies outside and read a book while they play :)

@kathlaaron My mom has a printer, and I'm definitely going to print that out! That is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for! Thanks!
I am so sorry about your piggy....
Oh my, I am so very sorry for your loss. RIP Snowtoes!!
So sorry for your loss. You were trying to do the right thing but you didn't fully understand/read all the info on their care. Its not easy wading through all the info on guinea pigs.

Maintaining the care of your guinea pigs is not a habit that comes easy. For many of us it took weeks/months to get in the habit of shopping, feeding, weighing, checking, cleaning our guinea pigs.

You don't need to give vit c drops if you are giving a proper amount of veggies. Each piggy should be getting 1 cup of veggies a day minimum and 1/8th a cup of proper pellets (Kleenmamas, oxbow or sweetmeadow in that order). That should be enough C. Too much C and it can cause health issues as well.

Try to avoid buying supplies from pet stores they often times have unhealthy and dangerious products. Plus you don't want to support breeders and the not so nice things they do to the animals in the name of profits..

Are your current piggies gettin hay? If so what kind? That will go a long way in making sure their teeth are proper size. They need unlimited, constant supply 24/7.

Learning how to hand feed a guinea pig can make all the difference in the world. As well as how to spot a competent vet... Not all vets are properly trained. Even if they think they are properly trained they can cause substancial damage...

I would advise reading and studing as much as you can here about proper guinea pig care so you are prepaired for the remaining piggies...



Guinealynx is mostly medical and it might be a good idea to search here and on GL about common medical issues and how to hand feed properly and such.

Good luck to you...
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