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My guinea pig has diarrhea!


Active Member
Cavy Slave
May 3, 2005
I was wondering what Guinea Pig's poop should look like. We have noticed that ever since this morning her feces have been a lot softer than usual. When we first got her, the stool was very hard and button like. (Resembling a tic-tac)...is this normal?
anybody have any info to help?
The stool should be solid (about the size of a tic-tac) and not mushy soft. Have you changed anything in her diet recently or added any new veggies?
yesterday she was eating iceberg lettuce, green pepper and tomatoe...besides her regular pellets.
Sasha101 said:
yesterday she was eating iceberg lettuce, green pepper and tomatoe...besides her regular pellets.

Oh, Iceberg's no good - kinda like potato chips for piggies; filling but not very nutritional.
When I woke up one morning my 3 month old guinea pig was covered in liquidy faeces. It was diarrhea, and she died :eek:(
ICeburg is bad, thats the culprit. It is really high in water content and has almost no nutritional value so it causes diarhea. Stick with greener lettuces, prettymuch anything but iceburg.
Yup...It's the iceberg lettuce. Stick to romaine.

Give her lots of hay and don't give her watery or sweet fruit or veggies for a day...no lettuce of any kind, no tomatos, no fruit. instead give her green pepper, some parsley and fresh grass (pesticide/fertilizer free). She should be back to pooping right in no time. If not then a vet check is in order.
Are you feeding her hay? You should go here and read proper care info esp. the nutrition stuff: https://www.cavyspirit.com/care.htm

The GL care guide seems to be down right now, but go there when they're back up. No Iceberg lettuce.
Good news everyone!! Sasha's coming around today, her poop is now back to normal! :) We think it was because of the lettuce we gave her...tomorrow Ill give her some Romaine Letttuce, that should be fine? Thanks.
Yes, romaine is good. Also try endive, green leaf and red leaf lettuce.
Are you feeding hay?
Yes I am feeding hay. We thought that she was over it yesterday...but its back again this morning...not sure what to do??
I have had this one guinea pig for 10 months and most of the time her stools are softer than the other pigs I have. She is a great eater and very energetic. She popcorns all the time and is the most pleasant pig I have. I was concerned in the beginning and watched her rather closely, but have never noticed any other changes in her.

I have to wonder if guinea pigs are like people - not every one is the same.
If it continues, it is serious. She may need to go to the vet and get a fecal culture. She may need Flagyl. Take away veggies and only feed her unlimited hay and a small bit of pellets. Is her weight the same?
My advice pretty much follows rabbitsncavyluv's. Take all veggies away from her for one complete day and then slowly give her back veggies. Feed small amounts of romaine, cilantro and bell pepper at first then gradually increase. I don't know how often you were giving her the tomato and the iceburg (you have already been informed about the iceburg) but those are very watery veggies and will cause soft poos if given in huge amounts. Feed tomato about 2 times a week. Cilantro is good for Vitamin C and can be fed daily along with romaine or other leafy lettuces, bell pepper, green beans, and many other foods that can be found here: www.guinealynx.info/nutrition.html
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