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Behavior my guinea pig doesn't drink?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 11, 2012
I have never seen him drink. Every time he comes close to the water bottle, he would try to touch it but still he would never drink out of it? I change the water about every three days? Is that ok? His pee was cloudy white, but now yellowish?

Since he doesn't drink too much water, I got him green bell pepper, cucumber and a lot of watery food and hope it would balance out?

The thing is that he doesn't like eating either. I have to hand feed him. I need to hold the food very close to him, let him sniff it first then he would eat.

He doesn't look interested in the veggie and fruit. Hand feeding is the only way he would eat. Also, he would hide in his hidey house all the time.

I have adopted him for about a week, is it normal? or should I give him more time. he is still scared of me touching him. Should I give him floor time now?

My other guinea pig is fine, very vocal when it comes to food, but this new guy is silent 24/7.

OK, first off, the water needs changing every day, at least once a day (I'll change mine two or three times if it's warm) for a few reasons, one because they won't touch stale water and two because it helps prevent algae growth. Second, while the odd slice of cucumber is good to help rehydrate, too much can give him a runny bum so try and keep the portions very low. Instead, when you wash your veggies, don't shake the water off. It keeps it fresher and is great for getting extra water into your piggies.

The love of fruit and veg will come with time. You need to give himeplenty of space at first so he can settle in. Rather than picking him up too much, sit with your hand very still in the cage for a while, let him wander around you getting used to your scent and size.

Floor time imho is a great idea. Getting the girls out and exploring was a real turning point for them and boosted their confidence loads. I lay in the middle of the floor in the room they play in and after about 30 minutes they were climbing all over me and giving me kisses on my arms and face. Plus giving him plenty of exercise will help build up that thirst.

Is your new piggie in a seperate cage to the other one?
OK, first off, the water needs changing every day, at least once a day (I'll change mine two or three times if it's warm) for a few reasons, one because they won't touch stale water and two because it helps prevent algae growth. Second, while the odd slice of cucumber is good to help rehydrate, too much can give him a runny bum so try and keep the portions very low. Instead, when you wash your veggies, don't shake the water off. It keeps it fresher and is great for getting extra water into your piggies.

The love of fruit and veg will come with time. You need to give himeplenty of space at first so he can settle in. Rather than picking him up too much, sit with your hand very still in the cage for a while, let him wander around you getting used to your scent and size.

Floor time imho is a great idea. Getting the girls out and exploring was a real turning point for them and boosted their confidence loads. I lay in the middle of the floor in the room they play in and after about 30 minutes they were climbing all over me and giving me kisses on my arms and face. Plus giving him plenty of exercise will help build up that thirst.

Is your new piggie in a seperate cage to the other one?

Thanks for the fast reply.

The new guy is in a different cage in the living room. He was adopted 6 days ago from a rescue. He is still on his lice treatment. Do I need bottle water, or boiled cold water or just tap is fine?

If I don't shake off the water from the veggie, should I put the veggie on a different place or it will ruin the pellets?

Thanks again.
do you have a bottle?
Put it in a nice clean bowl. I prefer ceramic personally, harder to tip over, again keeps it cooler and easier to wash. In a seperate bowl from the pellets :) My piggies ignored their veg at first but with the first week all absolutely loved it and pretty much ignore their pellets now, they just munch veg and copious amounts of hay.

The type of water you use depends on the area you live in and what the water quality is like I guess. I filter tap water with a normal water filter jug just cos I live by the coast and the water here is very hard. But providing it's being changed regularly and the bottle is rinsed well I don't see why drinking water safe for people can't be safe for piggies.

By the way, your description of his pee colour has me slightly concerned he's getting dehydrated. It may be time to steel your nerves to syringe feed him water until he starts drinking it himself.

Oh! And if you can provide one, another good idea is a small cermaic water bowl as well as the bottle. It'll need changing a few times a day because it's not sealed like the bottle and can get bits of bedding in it, but some piggies can find it easier drinking from a bowl than a bottle. Giving them a choice maximises your chances.
@casey's mommy, Yes I do, one for my old boy, one for this new boy.

If I use syringe, I would need to force to hold him down and open his mouth? The little guy is not gonna be happy abut it, but I will definitely try.

Can I use dish cleaner to clean the bottle and bowl, or just rinse them with water?

I live in NYC, they always have posters to tell us to drink tap water, saying it's the clean. So it should be ok for him. We also have a Japanese water boiling machine, that always have hot water. But if I use it, I need to cool down the water first.
I would give him a bowl for water, too. Maybe he's afraid of the noise the bottle makes, or isn't sure how to drink from one. He might just be scared in a new place. How are his poops? Are there enough of them, and are they the right size and shape? If the lack of appetite continues, or if his poops are irregular, take him to a vet, something else might be going on.
sorry i misread that as bowl not bottle. go figure. you might try bottled water it might be a taste thing.

also is the water level dropping in the bottle. he might be drinking when your not around...
With the syringe, you don't have to hold him down, just get him cradled in your arms in a blanket so he feels safe and try to encourage the syringe into his mouth, but anything he swallows will be a plus, it doesn't matter if he won't obediently drink from it. Also, casey's mommy is right. Put a pen mark on the water level in the bottle when you change it, then have a look a few hours later, hopefully it will have gone down :)
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