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Conditions My guinea pig ate a leaf or two of a philodendron


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 23, 2011
My sister put it down for a minute or two above the cage and my smart guinea pig decided to eat it. I am so worried because its poisonous and I cant get to a vet becuase my parents think they are a replacable pet :(
What can i do to help her
I love her with all my heart
Call an emergency after hours vet. Do you know which variety of philodendron it is?
I cant call a vet :( My mom wont let me I have been feeding her romaine lettuce becuase that is all the lettuce we have right now and she is eating fine but im still worried :(
For one thing, you can keep the philodendron out of reach of the guinea pig.

For another, if your mother won't take it to the vet, is to save up for any future vet bills yourself, if the pig gets through this episode. If the only got a nibble or two, it will likely be ok, but philodendron is not edible.
How is your pig doing this morning?
If you cannot provide the pig with proper vet care, either in this situation or a future one, it could be lethal. Please save up a proper vet fund as soon as possible, or give up the pig to someone who can see to all it's needs.

It's sad & harsh, but if your parents aren't empathic of another living social being & their health, it's for the pigs best to not be in such a home with the danger of not getting the right treatment when needed.
This morning she was good and ate some lettuce and then this afternoon she ate some more and got excited for the food but she is a little less active.
do you think shes ok???
i went to school today and had to say good bye to her this morning and it was so sad not knowing if she would still be with me in the afternoon but she seems ok??
Lethargy is a clear sign something isn't right at all, you really need to take her to a vet. Is she eating hay & pellets like normal? Drinking?
That she seems okay is good news. First step is getting the plant away from her reach - then work with your parents to establish a plan of action in case of another emergency. You can save up a fund, but they need to be willing to take you (and her) to a vet when it's necessary.
Thanks for worrying but she was eating :) thanks again yes pellets to :)
To all who are wondering Tonight my guinea pigs got there veggies and she is up and happy running through tubes and eating hay drinking water like any healthy guinea pig. Plant is moved and i have actually given plant away to my neighbor just to make sure it is out of my house because i dont want any acident happining with it :)
Thanks everyone I will post if anything new happens :) !!!
That sounds great! If she was poisoned, I'm sure there would've been some symptoms by now. But keep an eye on her for a while longer just to be sure.
It is important to have a discussion with your parents about pet care and vets. So that this situation doesn't arise again, have a talk about funds for vet care. You really should have either your parents full support or be able to fund it yourself, for the piggies sake more than anything.
Thanks everyone, this morning they got some more veggies and she was still happy :)
So happy she is ok :)
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