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Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 14, 2004
One of my piggies makes a kind of quite muttering noise. She does this sometimes when she's sitting on my lap or having a rest during floortime. It sounds to me like she's contented. My other piggy never does this. Does anyone else here find their piggy doing this? What do you think it means?
Is she stretched out? She probably is content. One of mine makes a high pitch chattering sound, and the other (a baby) makes a low pitch grunting sound.
You would think it would be the other way around. :)
when my pigs are on my lap, and im stroking them, its always long, drawn out purrs. they like to lay on their side with their bodies long and sprwaled out, or they will climb up and snuggle under my chin. i havnt yet heard the sound you guys have been talking about.
Ascot will make short, high pitched, purring/burbling sound when on my lap. During floor time both will burble at each other, or when they are walking up and down the ramp in the cage they will make this noise as well. If the pig looks comfy, then I would assume its happy.
MilesWaterson said:
One of my piggies makes a kind of quite muttering noise. She does this sometimes when she's sitting on my lap or having a rest during floortime. It sounds to me like she's contented. My other piggy never does this. Does anyone else here find their piggy doing this? What do you think it means?
All three of mine do this too. I think it means they are content and like what you are doing. It's definitely not a sound they make when they are angry, so I have to assume it's contentment.
It's probably purring, just like cats do when they're content. At least that's what I think of it as.
It means they're feeling really good.
Is it purring? If not, and it's kinda just like a low muttering noise, like when a human talks- but not talking, lol. This is just conversation, guinea piggy is talking to you. It could be about anything, what they think, about their day, ect. If they aren't purring, and it sounds like a really low squeeking noise(but not squeeking) then it's just general conversation. If you have two guinea pigs and you hear this, they are talking to each other. It's quite interesting.
what kind of purring is it?? is it like the noise when they get scared?
The noises I am hearing are definitely not purring. I like the term "muttering" though, it really seems to fit the noises they make. It's interesting to think of it as them telling me about their day, LOL!
That's odd. I've heard mine gurgle once, is that it? I think that's just their way of piggy talking, because I've only heard it a couple times. It's a low sound.
mine makes scared noise's alot especially when i type also when my husband holds it shes a very timid little thing but she makes like coughin sounds once or twice a week too weird noise's also she wheeks at weird times once my husband just had a candy bar and it was wheeking guinea pigs are so funny haha
Wow, that's one long sentence there!

They most likely wanted the crinkly bag on the bar, especially if their hay comes in bags.
yeah i love that wheeking sound i remeber my 10 guinea pigs would always wheek when i went outside it was so cute!!
mncavylover said:
That's odd. I've heard mine gurgle once, is that it? I think that's just their way of piggy talking, because I've only heard it a couple times. It's a low sound.
Yes, I'm almost positive that what you heard is general conversation. Most of the time when I have my laid-back pigs out, they "talk" to me. They'll come right up to me sometimes and start "muttering", and make me pet them lol. It's so cute.
Also, pigs talk to each other in the same tone they would talk to anyone/anything else.
It's difficult trying to describe the noises they make. The one that does the muttering is the one that is most likely to come up to me and say hello. The other one is more flighty. Usually she'll sniff my finger and then head off (maybe she doesn't like the smell lol).

I learned what they're like when they're not happy. They'll struggle, run away or make a loud purr that lasts for 1 or 2 seconds.

Incidentally, just a few minutes a go the muttering piggy came up to me by the cage. I talked to her and she did some of her muttering. She seemed happy enough. That's the first time she's done that because all the muttering I've heard has been when she's been on my lap and I'm stroking her.
MilesWaterson said:
One of my piggies makes a kind of quite muttering noise. She does this sometimes when she's sitting on my lap or having a rest during floortime. It sounds to me like she's contented. My other piggy never does this. Does anyone else here find their piggy doing this? What do you think it means?
i know what you mean all my piggies do that too i think of it as them talking to me or telling me a secret cause they always do it right next to my ear. i know what u mean.
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