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Mounting concerns.....


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 17, 2004
Yet again, I need more information. My guinea pig had her babies 2 weeks ago today. At first, I thought they were both females, but about 4 or 5 days after they were born, I realized they are both males. For the last 3 days, the larger of the 2 babies have been mounting his mom and the other baby. I have read everywhere that they are not sexually mature until 3 to 4 weeks of age. Is there any reason what so ever that I should be concerned about this right now? I have planned on putting both of the boys in another cage next monday. But, should I remove them sooner? Is there any chance of him getting his mother pregnant before 3 weeks of age? Sorry, I'm just a little freaked out. I definately don't want her to get pregnant again!

I also have a question about hay. I know they should have alfalfa hay. I found a local farmer who is selling bales for $3. It is 30% alfalfa and 70% timothy. Is that okay for the babies or should I stick with strait alfalfa. The pellets they eat are alfalfa based and they get fresh veggies twice a day.

Any suggestions for both matters would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!!
My one baby male mounted his mother and he wasnt sexually matured until 3 weeks. As soon as you see him mount her pick him up and if you see a wet spot in his area then remove him right away.
Is there any chance of him getting his mother pregnant before 3 weeks of age?

Absolutely not.
Thanks for the help!!!
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