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More questions about fleece


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jun 14, 2004
Ok, Im really considering switching to fleece. You see I have been using care fresh for the past 6 months (wow! six months alrealdy) and its buring a hole in my pocket now, not to mention it creates a lot of dust in my room. I just have some final questions about fleece and I would really apriciate an answer.

  1. about how many layers of fleece do you use at a time. I have read so many differnt answeres, some say not to use layers of fleece because it traps the smell, others say to use a lot of them becaues it absorbs the urin better.
  2. How thick is the fleece you use. Is thicker better?
  3. Whats the average cost per yard (does any one know) ? About how much did you spend to get 3-4 diffeerent sets of fleece for your cage.
Im sure theres something else, I'll think of it later. But if anyone can answer the questions I have so far that would be great :)
Hy Cali,

I use a thick layer of newspaper and then put 2 layer of fleece on top. Thicker is better becuase it absorbs the pee better. I get my fleece at wall-mart and I pay 7 dollors per yard. I need three yard for my cage so it costs me about 80 dollors for 4 sets of fleece.
Queen B said:
Hy Cali,

I use a thick layer of newspaper and then put 2 layer of fleece on top. Thicker is better becuase it absorbs the pee better. I get my fleece at wall-mart and I pay 7 dollors per yard. I need three yard for my cage so it costs me about 80 dollors for 4 sets of fleece.
What size is your cage? Mine is 2x3 grids + a 2x2 upper story. I still need to figure out how many yards I will need.
I use puppy training pads under my fleece. The thicker you get the fleece the better. I think that one layer is good becasue multiple layers traps the urine and causes and odor. I am not sure about the cost. Walmart is where most people get it from but I got mine from the Fabric Place (i think that is what it is called) I don't know if you have one near you or not.
My cage is a 4x6.
RustBottum said:
I use puppy training pads under my fleece. The thicker you get the fleece the better. I think that one layer is good becasue multiple layers traps the urine and causes and odor. I am not sure about the cost. Walmart is where most people get it from but I got mine from the Fabric Place (i think that is what it is called) I don't know if you have one near you or not.
there is a fabric store near me (cant think of the name) they sell fleece somewhat cheap from what I can remember. When I made Rocky a cozy, I bought fleece there for about $3-5 per yard (i think)
If you use one thick layer of fleece that's all you need. Multiple layers will trap in the smell and I know because I tried it out before.

The average cost greatly varies depending on where you buy it. You can get fleece blankets or fleece blankets kits which are a great thickness for a low cost. I have 4 complete changes and am going to have more when I get my other two fleece blanket kits out of layaway. The fleece blanket kits were put on clearance at my local Wal-Mart so check there and see if they have any.
Thanks for all the fleece info! I am really consdiering going that way when we get our cage up and running this weekend and go get our new furries.

Question tho - I have read and read here but have missed SO much unless I read every single post from the beginning, hehe!

The post above about the puppie training pad made me think - has anyone ever used the "chucks" (not sure of the real name for them but that is what I have always heard them called - the fabric absorbant pads, I got to take mine home from the hospital when I had my last baby) underneath the fleece instead of newspaper? They are super abosrbant and it seems they would work well? And definitely easily washable too...
Chux are better than puppy pads. Much more absorbant. I have tried the following with fleece: puppy pads, incontinence pads/chux, sheets, towels and mattress pads. I always have newspaper down and always have fleece on top but I am experimenting to see what works best for me in the middle.
Thanks Ly! I see they are available on eBay for a decent price as well - in this house with 6, sometimes 7 kids we can never have too many of those, I so I may just pick some more up to have a nice big set!

I have recently switched to fleece and tried a number of different suggestions from this site. I went to a thrift store (Goodwill or Salvation Army) and purchased reusable/washable incontinence pads. These are pads used at hospitals/nursing homes/ seats of wheelchairs. They are washable ,soft, waterproof and very very sturdy. They come in all different sizes.(They sell for about $25.00 a piece new. I have seen them on ebay for alot less) I put a layer of fleece over the pad.(I also bought a fleece blanket at goodwill). I spent $1.00 for the pads and $1.50 for the fleece blanket.
WHAT A BARGAIN. Sure beats $40.00 a week on carefresh!!I have also found these incontinence pads on EBAY(called whelping pads/wheelchair pads and sometimes under ferret pads). I have also used waterproof pads from my toddlers old crib set. That also work well. Hope that helps!
I was lucky. I found a fleece blanket on clearance at wal-mart for $6. It was the perfect size for my cage. I have extra towels, but I just wash the one blanket while the boys are having floor time. Works out fine for me. I have a couple of layers of towels and the blanket on top. They also use a litter box, so there isn't much of a smell issue. I am very, very concerned about smell (it's an obsession to keep smells away). The cage is in my living room so I don't want people to walk in and their first opinion is "ewe, what's that smell?"
Does anyone know what the thickest fleece you can get is? Just want to know what I should look for.
I am not really sure. When you look feel the diffrent fleeces and see which one is more thicker. Ussaly the ones with the less designs on them are ussaly thicker.
:) I just talked to my mom. I was telling her about my problem with care fresh and how I could save money by switching to fleece. She is all for the idea! She is going to take me shopping this weekend to look at fleece. Im so happy. This should be a lot of fun. I know Rocky will love it :)

Thank you, everyone, for your input. Its helped a lot.
Medium weight fleece works well. Don't get T-shirt fleece, it sucks!
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