Here are some pics of Charlie from playing outside this afternoon. She is getting bigger everyday, and seems healthy, although I took some pics of some things that are worrying me...comments welcome on anything, we did have fun outside tho!
I am assuming you are going to extend on what is worrying you, but I will take a shot:
1: Bald spots behind the ears? Normal, many pigs have it. Anywhere else, though, and you may have a problem. I don't think Mites is a case here. I was confused with my long-haired at first as well-- Those bald patches (well, where you can see her skin) all around her are her Rosettes, and it seems normal. See for more info on Mites. I wouldn't worry unless she begins to act funny and is showing signs of discomfort in general or when being handled.
@Zuidy the bald spots just seem to have gotten worse, and then around her one eye the fur seems to be falling well as the close up of her nose, you can see some red spots where tiny sores are starting to form. I know that the pregnancy is causing her immune system to be lower...also if you look closely at the ear pig you can see white circle-ish patches...