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Meet Winston


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 27, 2011
Here is the newest member of my growing herd, Winston(aka Carmel)! He may look familer to some because he came from another member, Drgraves2, when it was discovered his little girl Carmel was really a boy! He couln't keep Carmel with Fluffy because Fluffy is a girl(she had a stillborn pup this weekend). Carmel was going nuts trying to get to Fluffy. So, Carmel became Winston and is with me now. He is a real sweetie and we are happy he's with us.
I didn't realize how big my boys are until I am seeing all of the pictures of babies! They are so cute! Congratulations!
What a cute hair-do!
Fits with your herd very well I think!
What a cutie!
This makes 4 right? =D Congradulations! I keep trying to tell my hubby we need another 2 or 4 guinea pigs. lol
I didn't realize how big my boys are until I am seeing all of the pictures of babies! They are so cute! Congratulations!
Winston looks little in the picture but he is 2 lbs 5oz, he is 9 months old and the youngest/smallest of the boys! ;)
:D That makes three now right? Huey, Roger, and Winston? He's so cute! Beware of a pignapping!
[GuineaPigCages.com] Meet WinstonHe just looks so little, or my piggies are so big??? See below...


Truffles Blurry (640x480).jpg Welcome Home Whitman (640x480).jpg
Awww! What a cutie indeed! I love his colouring (and the fleece lol)!

I can't tell how big piggies are from pictures, but to me they look about the same size.
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:D That makes three now right? Huey, Roger, and Winston? He's so cute! Beware of a pignapping!
Whoops! Four, I mean? I forgot about Sheldon! :eek: How could I forget that cutey?
Sheldon is a crazy little guy. He wants to get into everything! I think it might be that he's 3 years old and lived in his tiny cage for so long that he's like a kid in a candy store! Winston is the only piggie that came from a good home. I can't wait to introduce them all. The vet said that since Sheldon comes off quarantine this Saturday we can introduce them all at the same time. Winston doesn't need 3 weeks on quarantine since he came from a good home and we know his history. So I'm sure my house is going to be knee deep in boar stink this weekend:sick:!
You will have to post pictures of all of them together. =D
You will have to post pictures of all of them together. =D

I'm going to try to record them when I introduce them all Saturday :crazy: I'm so scared but excited because I want them to be a herd! I'm going to scrub down Huey and Rogers 3x7 grid cage and try to add on and make it a 3x8 at least.
Awww he is such a handsome little fellow ! I love LOVE his crest too...just adorable !❤️ My girl Buttercup has a crest too, but not as long and pronounced as Winstons crest is. How cool that you got him from another member ! How blessed you are my dear !! :eek:
Big fun cage! This should be exciting! I can't wait to see it all. =D
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