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Joy Meet Sheldon!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 27, 2011
Well I received a text from my neice to please take in a neglected piggie. within the hour I had picked up the little guy and was at the vet(thank you for waiting past your closing time). The vet had to treat him for fleas because he was covered in flea dust. She went out to the car to check his poos in the cage they had him in. She said it was cedar bedding that should never be used, I had put him in a small carrier with a towel covered in fleece when I fist picked him up thank goodness. I don't know what wood chip bedding looks like because I use fleece. This little guy didn't even have a name, my neice said the kid thought it was funny that they never named him(after 3 years):(. Well he's in quarantine for the next 3 weeks but here's a picture in his thrown together cage. We chose to name him Sheldon and he doesn't make ANY noise yet. He loves to be held and fell asleep in my arms for a little bit. He is such a little gentle piggy!
Congratulations on your new addition, even if unplanned :eek:hmy:
He's adorable! I just hate it when I see all those piggies kept like that, makes me wish I was a millionaire and had all the time in the world so I could adopt all of them :(. Are you keeping Sheldon permanently or are you fostering him until you can adopt him out? :confused:
As of right now I will be keeping him. But if one day he bonds with a piggy I foster I would let him go with his friend to a good home.
He is so sweet ! His main body markings look like my Busy Jayne, but she does not have the tuft on the head. I love it !
@Duffinvt , if I didn't know any better I would say you stole my piggy and put gel in his hair to hide his helicopter blades!:D
He's adorable! It was awesome of you to take him in so suddenly :)
We have the room and money so it was no hardship. I think I was just waiting for a piggy call and that's why we hadn't done it sooner. In 3 weeks if the meet and greet with my other two guys doesn't work out we will adopt or rescue another piggy for him to bond with.
Aw what a cutie!! I hope the meet and greet goes well! =D
Awww He's so cute! I'm glad you could take him in. I agree that I would take them all if I could, but my two are enough of a handful lol. Can't wait to hear more, I'm sure he'll have awesome personality!
He's so cute! ❤️
Poor boy, sounds like he had a rough past. He will have a wonderful life with you now! He's very handsome!
Awww adorable! His coloring almost makes him look like a bumblebee! :)
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