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Materials besides coroplast


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 14, 2004
Coroplast seems to be hard for me to locate. I've checked in quite a few places and can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm not in a big rush since I bought tons of linoleum (4 x 12) and have a lot left over. I will get the coroplast sooner or later. I was wondering has anyone used other materials besides linoleum or coroplast for the bottom?

I saw fiberglass for sale at Home Depot and thought cut the fiberglass, then use some kind of epoxy to seal it. Has anyone tried fiberglass? I'll have to figure out how to put the epoxy on or some similar adhesive where they won't be able to eat it.

I also saw wall panels made of plastic. I went into Home Depot thinking, "Hey these must be as flexible as coroplast." I proceeded to give it a little bend and it snapped. I walked away quietly... Anyone tried a similar product?

Are there any recommendations for adhesives I can use besides tape?
Find non-toxic adhesives
For my second level I went to home depot and bought For Sale signs that had the holes punched in them so that they could be put on a thing in your yard, but instead I just measured out the size I needed and make sure I kept the holes and when I put it in as the floor of my 2nd story I was able to affix it with zip ties, I then taped it down so it would not rattle and scare the piggies. I have puppy pads taped and then newspaper taped on top of that, and since I have the little box on the lower lever there is no need for bedding on that level so it doesnt require anything with sides to keep the bedding in. and I can just sweep it out daily with the wisk broom.
alternate materials

We made a couple of cages before using plasitc totes meant to go under the bed. When we made them we used narrow garden fencing because we didnt have acces to the cubes, but we are preparing to make one with the tote and use cubes this time. It'sd great cause the totes are light weight, and you can even get them with wheels if you want to.
Aimee & Guido
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