Faunn Banned Cavy Gazer Joined Oct 8, 2004 Messages 490 Apr 12, 2005 #1 Are the centers and skins of mangos ok for piggys and rabbits to eat? Thanks.
Ketus15 Well-known Member Cavy Slave Joined Mar 14, 2005 Messages 295 Apr 12, 2005 #2 Sure. They're very high in Vitamin C. But they're also high in sugar. Give a little once or twice a week to avoid mouth sores. https://www.guinealynx.info/nutrition.html#fruit Enjoy!!
Sure. They're very high in Vitamin C. But they're also high in sugar. Give a little once or twice a week to avoid mouth sores. https://www.guinealynx.info/nutrition.html#fruit Enjoy!!
Denise Well-known Member Cavy Slave Joined Aug 10, 2004 Messages 899 Apr 12, 2005 #3 Oh, never share mangos with piggies, you keep them all to yourself!!!!! LOL (especially Champagne mangos - my personal favorite).
Oh, never share mangos with piggies, you keep them all to yourself!!!!! LOL (especially Champagne mangos - my personal favorite).
Faunn Banned Cavy Gazer Joined Oct 8, 2004 Messages 490 Apr 13, 2005 #4 ^_^ I'll give them the fruit today, thanks.