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Lump on cheek


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 1, 2004
Hi everyone,
I'm a bit worried about one of my piggies as he has developed a lump on his cheek. It's about the size of a hazelnut and it's developed over the past couple of days (at first I thought it was just his hair sitting funny). It feels hard to the touch and doesn't move. It doesn't appear to be causing him any discomfort though, even when I touch it, and he's still eating and behaving perfectly normally. I've tried looking inside his mouth but everything looks OK so I think it's inside his cheek rather than his mouth. I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow morning but I thought I'd see if you guys have any ideas of what it could be.

It's possible it could be ab abcesses and/or something to do with teeth problems. Often they get poked with a peice of hay and it causes an abscess. Glad you are going to the vet! Good luck!
Glad you opted to take him to the vet. A lump on a pet is rarely something good.

I agree with Amiable...it sounds like an abcess.

Let us know what the vet says.
Thanks guys - I'm thinking probably an abcess too although I'm surprised it's not causing him pain. I'll let you know how it goes at the vet's.
It was an abcess - caused by what looks like a bite! So now I'm back to worrying about whether I should separate them. I really don't want to but I'd also rather avoid more trips to the vet. <sigh>
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