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lost my first guinea pig a couple weeks ago


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 1, 2005
Almost 3 years ago my friend got a guinea pig. I was fascinated with the little cavy that I wanted one of my own. So I saved up $200 and spent most of it on what I thought was good for him(I guess a pet store cage is looked down upon here). Needless to say he did all the little signs of contentment anyways.
Even though the vet said he was very healthy he died a couple weeks ago. Since then I have revived my habit before I got him, plowing the internet to fill my cavy cravings. I just thought I'd share as I'm sure a number of you has lost a special guinea pig. Hopefully I'll post my favorite picture of him, which was after a bath, properly.

[GuineaPigCages.com] lost my first guinea pig a couple weeks ago
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Well, that attatched thumbnail part was useless.
Had to make a mistake to figure it out, however.
God bless his sweet little soul.
Bless, he was beautiful. I'm very sorry for your loss; I dread the day when it'll happen to one of my pigs :(
Poor guy. I'm so sorry for your loss.
What an adorable little guy. You must really miss him.
He was a beautiful little guy. I'm sorry for your lost.
I'm sorry:( I had a guinea pig named Oreo who passed away Thanksgiviving '04. I came home from school, went to play with her and Chip, and she was dead!
Im soo sorry! I know how it is to loose your pet. And he was your first piggy! You gave him the most careing, loving, home and family he could have ever wished for. RIP little guy
i do miss him alot
and i appreciate all the warm comments
I'm sorry for your loss. He certainly was a cute little guy.
I am sorry for your loss. He was a good looking pigger.

I guess a pet store cage is looked down upon here
Just in case you haven't noticed, this site is all about cubes and coroplast or C&C cages. Petstore cages don't meet the recommended sizes that guinea pigs need to be able to comfortably run and play. If you decide to get a couple more piggies, a C&C is very cheap to build, it costs much less than buying a petstore cage.

I removed your thumbnail. It does take some trial and error sometimes to figure things out.
What a cutie he was. He looks like my little Ally. I bet they are in pig heaven having a ball.
I am sorry about your pig. He was very cute. Dont worry about having the store bought cage. Its all about educating yourself and improving. Next time you get a pig (two is better), then you will have the information provided by this site to help guide you. :0)
That's for sure. I think it's great this site has instructions on how to make them as I never knew how before, not like my parents would let me; but it's only a couple years until I'm on my own anyways. But next time I'm planning on getting two. Or maybe a rabbit and a guinea pig, I've heard that's good. Suggestions?
Rabbits and guinea pigs aren't a good mix especially caged together. Guinea pigs need other guinea pigs for company not a person or a rabbit. They also require different pellets. They can't eat the same food and if a guinea gets in the way of those strong back legs it could be a disaster. Guinea pigs should be caged with guinea pigs and rabbits with rabbits. Even mixing at floortime could be dangerous.
You shouldn't keep rabbits and guinea pigs together. I would either go with piggies or rabbits or a couple of each but not one of each housed together. Rabbits carry a bacteria that pigs can get and it can kill them, also rabbits can easily injure a pig by kicking it with it's strong back legs.
I was worried about the pellet thing, because the brand pellets I like have vitamin C in it. I'm glad I got some feedback because the pet store, even though I realize they are not totally educated and shouldn't take all their advice to heart, said it would be fine along with some other people who had mixed the two. And I was skeptical since I've read in a rabbit care book that the strong hind legs become a problem in fights when rabbits bicker.
So now I know that it's not a good idea for when the time comes for me to get another piggy. Thanks.
I've never heard about that bacteria, but I'm glad that I'm now aware. So is it safe to say that I should not buy a guinea pig that has been housed with rabbits in a pet store? The pet store's I know of do that.
Don't buy a pig from a pet store. Pet store pigs are often ill, pregnant or mis-sexed.

Instead, look for shelters/rescues in your area - if you say whereabouts you are, some of the Americans on this site can help you find the nearest one to you.
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