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UK Looking for UK Rabbit owners


Active Member
Cavy Slave
May 6, 2005
Hello all,

I just got a rabbit today from my local rescue centre and wondered if anyone could give me some tips on cheap toys etc.

Also does anyone know if the like of rspca help with the costs of vet care?
Hi. There is a rabbit forum on this site too, just scroll down when you're on the main forum. The RSPCA will have a vet that will look at your sick animal...but I'm not sure if you have to pay money. I think they would probably ask for a donation.
Thanks I have looked on the rabbits forum also :)

Just thought I would ask and try to gain as much info as possible so I know all I can, I will try and take a photo of the rabbit soon as I was told she was a dwarf lop crossed with something else, its only 6 weeks old and their ears are pointy not flopped, do you know whether this is normal for a lop and they will begin to drop once the rabbit gets a bit older, I was quite surprised to see this!!
Aww, s/he sounds lovely! Sorry, I don't know anything about rabbits so I can't help!
i have a rabbit and with toys you can give them anything they will be facinated for hours. or i may just have a dumb rabbit he loves tennis balls so try them
The RSPCA will not help with vet care because the rabbit is yours.. You can go to a RSPCA vet clinic which is cheaper but you have to be on benefits to go there.
Really? I phoned the RSPCA to make an appointment for my pigs. I didn't get it because they didn't have one until like a week. They didn't say anything about benefits
Unfair! I rung up my RSPCA clinic to ask about getting my rabbit spayed and they told me I could only get an appointment if I was on benefits.
You should maybe ask what classes as benefits. That could mean many things, it may include things such as housing or council tax benefits/rebates, maybe tax credits such as working tax or child tax also.

So looking at you guys posts, do they help you get your rabbit spayed or nuetered? I am a bit confused as one of your posts says no if its your pet?
It just depends. you will need to phone up your local RSPCA and ask
They will do everything a normal vet does... their prices will be cheaper but they won't pay for it. And they probably do not specialize in small animals.
I will be sure to give them a call and find out.

For anyone interested I do know that the pdsa do free treatment of illness and injury for your pets if you are in reciept of benefits, they have a website showing where their clinics can be found, they dont however do vacinations or spaying/nuetering
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