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Photos Look who's here!!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 27, 2011
I surprised my daughter by picking up our guinea pigs a day early!! They are doing GREAT! They're eating, exploring, making very cute little noises, etc. They seem to favor the pigloo over the wooden hidey house. And they've already pooped a TON, LOL.

Here are Chili and Rudy....2 beautiful female piggies!

[GuineaPigCages.com] Look who's here!!

[GuineaPigCages.com] Look who's here!!

Rudy in the wooden hidey:
[GuineaPigCages.com] Look who's here!!
They're really cute! I LOVE the pink cage... but, then again.. I'm partial to pink... :)
They're so cute!!
I can't figure out how to edit my post, but Chili just jumped into the cuddle cup to sleep:

[GuineaPigCages.com] Look who's here!!
Aw! They are adorable! I love their colouring!
They are so cute! =D
Too cute! I love the pink cage as well!
Cute piggies! awwzies
They are sooo cute! love the new pink cage! good luck with your adorable girls!
They are little cutiepies!
Thanks everyone!!! I'm so in love with them already. I just keep going to stare at them and they just stare right back!

I did find out they're estimated to be over 6 months old but probably less than a year old, I think. They were brought in to the shelter by an animal control officer who said that they were being kept outside and fed only raw potato. :weepy: I'm so happy that I could give them a good home. They seem to be happy!!
I love rescue stories!! Raw potato? Poor girls!!!
They must be so happy to get spoiled now!
Beautiful girls and beautiful cage ! :cool:
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