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long trip


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 28, 2004
soon, i will be going on a 2 hour road trip to pick up my pigs. i wont be taking a water bottle because it will leak, so i have been told to take veggies with high water percentages. what menu should i pack? i need a menu for two pigs, for a two hour drive in possibly warm weather.
If you have air conditioning they should be fine as far as heat goes...but if I had to guess I would say that romain lettuce, kale, and maybe some watermelon...I knwo there's hardly any nutrition value in it for them, but it'll be high in water!Oh, and cucumbers! They love those and they are high in water I'm sure!

Ok, I just looked at the GL page and they had water content on one of the nutritional pages and all of the above are good, plus watercress (?)...don't know how available that is where you are, I have never heard of it! lol

Have fun and show us lots of pics!!
thanks, cavycrazymom!
yeah a thick slice of cucumber or watermelon should be fine. try not to only take watermelon though because that may be too much sugar for them. but a little is fine.
Yep, take some lettuce, cucumbers and lots of hay!
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