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Litter Boxes?


Cavy Slave
May 3, 2005
Ok. Please clue me in. Everyone talks about litter boxes in there cages. Do you actually put seprate boxes in the cage for a "litter box"?
Yes, I do. I have one that goes in the corner - it has a high back and a low front. It gets used though not as often as I would like.

I normally put a layer of Aspen bedding first then a layer of Critter Litter otherwise the Critter Litter will stick like glue to the plastic. I am in the process of trying Yesterdays News.
That is what some of us have. Pigs are more likely to use it when they have fleece bedding. They will poo everywhere though, they mostly pee in them.
My 2 girls are spoiled slobs and have always peed wherever they want..including on me with none of the cute (and helpful) hints other people get from their pigs. My girls took one look at the litter box, saw it as just another place to pee and sleep and knock around the cage as a toy. Nothing I did would convince them to use it regularly.

Not saying you won't have more luck...but sometimes, if your pigs are a bit thick-headed like mine, they just won't use it as they should.
Thank you for cluing me in.
I will usually find at least one of mine sitting in it like it was a chair or sleeping in it. The funniest is the one who prefers to eat her veggies while sitting in it. I can always tell when she has been in it - she will usually leave behind a piece of whatever she was eating.
Voodoo, I'm with you. My boys are either too lazy or spoiled to go in any particular place, no matter what I do! I guess they figure that it gets cleaned and they get new bedding regardless of where they do their business, so why inconvenience themselves... such spoiled piggies!
I use my old bottom from my pet store cage as their litter box. its on one half of their top level and they almost always use that for pee. their hay is in there too so they tend to be there alot lol
Mine have been using theirs to pee in this week which makes things better. Since I'm about to add a plasic tarp under everything to catch anything so it doesn't make it to the rug.
I use the small size cat litter pans from Wal-Mart. They work great if your pigs will use them. I am fortunate and the girls pee in there all time. I just line the bottom with newspaper and then toss in about 1" of crittercare on top.
I am going to use the same thing that Slap suggested.
I got one of those corner litter boxes and tried it out for the first time yesterday. I had to clean it today. WOOHOO, he's using it!! I think he mostly pee's in it, but thats fine with me. I hate pee :mad:
We use one of those corner litter boxes at the end of the ramp. It catches most of their poop and they pee in it as well. However, the piggys still pee where they eat. I've put in thick shelving paper where they eat so it's easier to clean.
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