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Litter Box Training


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 26, 2004
Does any one have any tips for litter-box training. My boys refuse to pee in their litter box, and I don't know what to do! WIth things the way they are now, I have to clean out the pig's cage and wash the fleece every other day. Please help!
I toss a few poos in their box, that helps. I am sure you know by now that I use newspaper and hay only in my litter box. They get in there and eat the fresh hay (its just a very small amount) and pee at the same time. CoCo is the one who uses it all the time. I think once the urine scent is in the box, they sniff it out and then use it. I am still working with my other girls to get them to use it exclusively like CoCo does.
It took Miss Piggy over a month to learn to use her litter box... up until just the other day she hardly used the litter box... but now her and her babies use it exclusivly (sp)... I'm so impressed with them! I found it just takes a tremendous amount of patience... Don't give up they will eventually!
I was wondering how to litter pan train them too. When they are trained will they still use their cage also, or just the pan? And what do you use in the pan, kitty litter or what?
You can't use any kitty litter at all. If pigs eat kitty litter it will mess there intestinal tract up. You can however, use carefresh, aspen, kiln-dried pine, yesterdays news, newspaper/hay combo. There are others but I can't think of them right at this moment.

Usually once they are fully trained they will pee in the litter boxes but cavies no matter how litter trained they are I believe will still leave poos all over the place. I have one pig that is litter trained and she pees in her box but poos where ever she happens to be.
I have three pigs and all three are now litter trained, but i really didn't do anything to train them. I just put the litter box in the corner that they use the most. One of my girls who just started using the litter a couple of days ago actually goes in the litter to take her really long poops where she leaves like 10 behind, but she still leaves poos all over the place anyway, but it is really nice that the towels I have under the fleece don't get wet all the time.
Does anyone know why pigs don't like to go to the bathroom on their second levels?? I only have to wash my fleece up there everyday 8 or 9 days and there is hardly a mess on it. i just find it strange because I didn't think they cared where they went.
my gp's wont go for a pee on their second level, but will poo on it....im also currently trying to litter train them...it seems that they are using their litter to pee in because it gets pretty wet in one day...although they still pee everywhere in the cage too...also i cant understand why they poo in their nests! i thought they didnt like to sleep in their own poo....im determined to litter train them though...im washing the fleece every second day too!
I was at a Wal-Mart supercenter today and I went to the small animal section looking to see what they had as far as bedding. I want to experiment and try something different in their litter pan. There were only two things that weren't shavings. One was crittercare and I can't remember the name of the other stuff but it's just like feline pine. I picked up the bag and it felt like some sort of pellet type stuff. I didn't want to use that so I opted for the crittercare instead. I am too exhausted tonight but I will put some in their litter pan tomorrow and see how it works.
I use a single sheet of newspaper and fold it into threes. Then I take a handfull of shredded up newpapaper and put it in the middle of the paper. I fold it up kinda like a buritto, i use a tiny peice of masking tape to keep it together, and put the side with the tape on the bottom. I cover the little paper pad thing i made with ALOT of hay. TO get them to go into the potty.
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