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Listin please! Important

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Daisy Duke

Cavy Gazer
May 18, 2005
Hi, it is me Poohbear or whatever you want to call me. I am sorry for the way I acted and I am the one to blame. I am very sorry for the people I hurt and for the many lies I made up. I am sorry Ly, Teresa, and Voodoo for the trouble I caused. I am not looking for an apology, but I just wanted to say thanks for all of the knowledge I learned and for all of the people I met. Coco and Honey would also like to give a thank you because with out this website they would still be living in petstore cages. I am also sorry that you guys had to put up with me, and intead of taking my anger out somewhere else I took it out on the forum I went on most. The reason I acted like that was my grandparents died and they were very close to me. I know that does not excuse my actions, but I just wanted to say I am sorry. To the members and the mods. Thanks for the memories guys and Vodoo I hope you do great as a mod and Ly and Teresa and Treen. Goodluck everyone, Pooh.
thats a nice sorry. its good to say that stuff. but they may ban you again. and poohbear i noticed when you was saying bye you never said bye to me :(
Pooh/Daisy Duke

I have put you on a one day ban until I speak to Ly, T and the other mods about you.

I appreciate the appology and well wishes. I also appreciate that you did not attempt to try to fool us with a new name.

I dont know you from a rats bottom, (sorry rat lovers) but no person should behave the way you did, then again you are just a child, I dont understand why you keep comming back and starting things and stirring the pot, like this, it may be a SINCERE appology but how long will it be intill you stir up the pot, but you did appologize but honey, still there is no excuse for your actions, and you have to take responsibilty for your actions and that is being banned, and you still did not listen you kept comming back. I am sorry and I may be harsh but I think you should not be allowed back, its is like what I do with my three year old, when she does something wromg and she does time out, she keeps comming to me and appologizing but she still has to be in the corner. If I am mean hey thats life.
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You did hit the nail on the head. Pooh is a child. I am still unsure about whether or not her coming back is a good idea but I have opened up discussions with the other mods...we will see.

That said let's try not to vent past frustrations on Pooh. It's all been said before and will not help the situation to reopen old wounds.

Pooh. If you are allowed back, and I'm not certain you will be, you will definatly be demoted to Cavy Person, at least until you have proven yourself trustworthy and reliable. I know you can't reply here. I will be happy to PM you on the Cavy Compadium forum with any updates.
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voodoo i think that christy is right evan though pooh is a child i am only 14 and do not do any of the stuff she did. She may have had a hard time but all people do and insted of ranting on about some rubbish she should have just acted in a mature way. it makes us teenagers look bad.
But i think her appology was nice though i think she realised that people know when she try's to come back so she should give up.

I agree with you too. That is why I'm not certain how I feel.

I am always remarkably impressed with the younger people on this forum! Most of the time I think I am talking to another adult...and later find out I'm talking to a 14 year old.

I know if my 10 year old acted the way Pooh did I would have some serious problems with it.

Believe it or not people I really am a big softie. My heart is easily melted and that is why I am relying on the other mods to make a decision.
voodoojoint said:

I agree with you too. That is why I'm not certain how I feel.

I am always remarkably impressed with the younger people on this forum! Most of the time I think I am talking to another adult...and later find out I'm talking to a 14 year old.

I know if my 10 year old acted the way Pooh did I would have some serious problems with it.

Believe it or not people I really am a big softie. My heart is easily melted and that is why I am relying on the other mods to make a decision.

*whispers* Spppiiis.... She's lying! She's a meanie mod that overuses he stick of doom and powers!

Nah I am just kidding. You will realize that Voodoo is one of the nicest people on this board when it comes to all this type of stuff. She is such a softie when it comes to dealing. She isn't to soft and she isn't too hard (Not at all really) :)
I personally agree with Christy. How worthy is this person of coming back, and how trustworthy are they, if they just disguised themself again for the what, sixth, seventh time? How do we know she will be honest, when she has reeked havoc on this forum for the past month?
I think that if Pooh/Daisy Duke, and 100 other names is let back on the site, then everyone else wh owas banned, should be able to come back. Or else, it would not be fair.
Ok, this is Poohbear. I am sorry, but I have to say something. I do not want to come back to this site as I am really not wanted. I just wanted to say I am sorry, nothing more. I thank you Voodoo for the concederation, but like Emily said it would be unfair. So have fun everyone and keep up the goodwork Teresa, Voodoo, ly, and Treen. SOrry for the confussion. Love ya, Pooh.

" Slap I am sorry for the way I acted. I started it, not you. I am sorry for the hurt feelings. I really don't hate you. I know you most likely don't want to be my friend, but please if you can lets have a truce."

thanks again, PooH.
You can also call me inmature, but I don't think you guys have lost two people at the same time die who were very very close to you. So call me inmature all you want if that will make you feel better.

Do not sign back onto this forum until you have been given an answer. By either T or one of the mods.

Until we make a decision you have no rights to post on the forum. If you continue to break the rules before a decision has been made you will force us to disallow your return.
If I was deciding, I'd give her another chance.. and if she messed up just once more.. I'd ban her forever. Sorry if I'm interfering.

So pretty much, everyone else who was ever banned from this forum, whould be able to come back. Interesting.
Nobody else who was banned gave an apology Emily
That really dosen't make a difference.
It makes a huge difference! If somebody is prepared to genuinly apologise for their actions, then they should get a second chance.
She also keeps breaking the rules, by making 500 different names, then posting. She keeps lying to us, saying she is someone that she is not.
One minute she says, "I don't want to come back anymore." Then the next she is like "Please, it was a mistake to ban me, will you un-ban me?" I mean come one.
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