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Lice or Fur Mites?-And name needed!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 13, 2005
Just a few days ago, almost a week now, my neighbors 2 yo female B&T Abysinian moved in with me due to them moving to a smaller place. I've noticed she scratchs herself and only once I saw her bite herself for a sec. I checked GL for what this might be; lice or fur mites..or nothing at all. Then I checked her coat numerous times under a light but I couldn't find any hairloss, eggs, bugs etc. and she doesn't mine petting.

Should I worry or is this occasional scratching normal? I think she did have a bit of dandruff and/or dry skin.

And yes I'm planning on adopting her a buddy in just a few weeks once the 2x4 C&C is finished.

Also, I was planning on keeping her name the same, Sofie, but it just doesn't fit. Now I'm stuck between Ginny or Abigail, Abby for short. Any other good suggestions are welcome.

I got a couple pictures of her but they're pretty bad quality because all I have is a webcam. Oh well..
It could be mites. You cannot see mites on the skin, they are microscopic. You can treat her for mites even if she doesn't have them, it won't hurt her, but you also need to treat any other pigs she has been in contact with. Some scratching is normal in piggies but biting themselves is usually not normal. See the ivermectin page at guinealynx for more information on mites and their treatment.
I wouldn't be worried about mites or lice unless she scratches constantly and displays other symptoms. You scratch yourself when you have an itch right? So do the pigs. Occasional scratching is normal, but just keep an eye on her.

She is very pretty! Congrats on getting such a nice little piggy! Take good care of her!
I'm thinking it is just a simple itch like Queen said or I'm hoping at least. When she bit herself she wasn't trying too hard, I think it could actually have been her mad at me because I needed to clip her nails.

I'll be keeping an eye on her though. What do you think about the names?
I like Susie or Susan, Reese, or Belt
Mine scratch and bite themselves from time to time. There is nothing wrong with them. You will definately know when their scratching becomes excessive. As long as they seem fine and you can pet them and they seem happy and healthy then I wouldn't be overly concerned.
As far as names go, I like Reese. When I first saw her, "Peanut Butter" popped into my head first.
Thanks for the input!

I like Reese but..I think I might just go with Ginny. I'll need names again soon when I get her a buddy though.

So I guess I'm all good as far as the scratching goes. It's nothing excessive but she does do it everyday.

I have this little dilemma.. She's still in her pet store cage but she gets 9 hours of floor time everyday. I thought when the shavings(I HATE them)ran out I'd just put a puppy pad with a folded fleece blanket on top in her cage. BUT won't it get smelly unless she's got a litter box? I don't know if I can find a pet shop that sells the corner ones today and her pet store cage is too small to put a cardboard box in. Plus I'd still have to find a store today that sells kild-dried pine or aspen shavings to go in the litter box.

Her C&C is only missing one side and the top(which I can leave off for a couple weeks as long as my door is closed), I'm putting on the loft later. Her pet store cage is sitting in/on the almost done C&C. I don't have coroplast.

What should I do? I think I might be able to find enough cardboard for the bottom of the 2x4 C&C and then put a shower curtain on top. Or would I need a shower curtain at all using fleece? I could then make a small litter box but what will I put in it as shavings? Or should I just put the puppy pad in her pet store cage with the fleece blanket and let in get stinky but wash it more. Or what?

Thanx in advance for any advice on this! I need to decide today!
Make the c&c cage with cardboard, use a shower curtain on top, just incase. Soggy cardboard is nasty. If you make a litter box, you could use newspaper and hay, that's what I use.
Okay thanks!
Okay I got a large piece of cardboard, put it in with a shower curtain on top. Then I put two washable puppy pads side by side(PERFECT fit) and the fleece blanket on top and secured them to the side so the piggie can't burrow under with clothes clips.

I found a cardboard box, cut two holes in different sides of it and put a bunch of layers of newspaper down. Now that's in the corner with a large hay rack, I'll put some hay down on the newspaper too.

I put her panda pillow in another corner and I'll put a towel tent over that. I'll add a tunnel and stuff in a second. I can't wait to put her in tonight!! She's never been on fleece.

Oh and before I had put this green plastic soap dish under her water bottle to catch the drips. In the morning I found a pile of poos in it, then she came out of her hidey house backed up to it and started pooing in it! So I think she'll catch on to the idea of a litter box pretty well.
Another problem!!

Now I'm hearing her sneeze! What is it? A UTI? Or is it just..nothing and will pass on it's own. I have had my window open a little..is that why? Do I NEED the vet?
If she is sneezing alot then yes you need to see a vet but an occasional sneeze isn't bad at all.
Great! I only heard 2-3 sneezes and her eyes and nose are clear.
My piggers have just gotten over a case of mites. Believe me you will be able to tell if they are itchy! It's normal for a guinea pig to have a bit of dandruff but with mites they start to develope scabs from scratching and the dandruff comes out a lot thicker. If your pig does start to show any of those signs I suggest taking her to the vet.
Another question;

I don't think she's drunk ANY water from her water bottle. I haven't seen or heard her drink any and the bottle is still full. Why doesn't she drink anything? Is she getting enough water from her veggies?

It's been rainy lately so the fresh grass I give her is wet(this is okay, right?) and I've given her water melon too.

How much do your pigs scratch normally? Everyday? Now I'm not sure..
Laura take a deep breathe, I am sure everything is alright :). Giving her veggies with water on them is ok. I am not sure why she isn't drinking yet. Not all GP's drink alot.
Well..okay. Just making sure.
I know, it's good that you are really willing to learn but ofcourse keep asking questions! I never said stop, but take a deep breathe and enjoy your new friend :)
So I just went to feed her for the evening. All I found was more worries and a very happy piggie(happy cause she just got a plateful of fresh veggies!). I found a pile of poos with this strange white/yellow residue and some more on the fleece and another splotch under her towel tent.

Is this sludge? It's almost like butter(no, I didn't touch it), whitish/yellowish and I'm assuming it came out of her butt. Is she in heat?

Can I feed her radishes?
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