So, my girls cage is on the second floor of the house on the "landing", which makes a difference because there are no air vents for the a/c there. There is a ceiling fan and my daughters try to keep their bedroom doors open so the a/c can get out there but it does sometimes get warm in that location. Yesterday I provided the girls a couple of ice packs in socks to lay by in case they got to warm but this afternoon I noticed one of them had chewed through the sock and into the ice pack. I don't think she ate much of the gel, which was thankfully nontoxic but I wouldn't want that to happen again. I was reading up on homemade ice packs an found a version that doesn't contain alcohol. It's made with water, salt, cornstarch and optional food coloring. While I plan to make nice fleece sleeves to put them in, do you think that recipe would be safe if they did manage to get at it? I just want to be sure they safe because I'd like to be able to leave them in there at night because that's when it would be hottest in their cage. What do you think? I really like that this recipe stays cold but flexible so if I make a little bed with a sleeve in it, it would still be soft to lay on. My other idea was that I could slide it between the layers of fleece that cover their grid tents so they wouldn't be right on them. Thanks in advance for your thoughts!