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Less cleaning for C&C cage


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 9, 2004
As we know less cleaning is needed for a larger cage like C&C cage. But it is also based on other factors like how many piggies in the cage, what bedding you use. So maybe you can share your experience here with others by answering the following 4 questions. So that we can have a clear picture/idea of keeping the cage clean & free of odor.

1. How many piggies?
2. What size of C&C cage?
3. What type of bedding?
4. How frequent do you clean?

I have 3 soes in a 2x5 C&C cage, using kiln-dried woodshavings, clean once weekly.
i have 3 piggies in a 2x5 cage, use fleece and aspen/carefresh bedding, clean entire cage once a week but spot clean everyday.
2 piggies in a 2x3 C&C cage.. i use shredded paper... clean the entire cage every three days, but spot cleans everyday..
  • 2 piggies in a 2x3 - clean entirely once a week, using kiln dried pine with woody pet in wet zones
  • 2 piggies in a 2x4 - clean entirely once a week, using kiln dried pine with woody pet in wet zones
  • 1 pig in an almost 2 x almost 3 - clean entirely once a week, using kiln dried pine with woody pet in wet zones
I spot clean as needed during the week.
1) I have two pigs
2) I have a 2x4 C&C cage
3) 2x3 is megazorb bedding, and 1x2 is hay
3) I clean the bedding fully one a week but spot clean everyday. I change the hay every day.
I have 2 piggers in a 2x4 C&C Cage with 1x2 Upper. I use a layer of newpaper and then shredded paper as bedding. I clean it as needed. Sometimes within two days and other times 4 days.
Right now in one cage I am using Aspen. (I will just use one of may cages for an example)
2 pigs in 2x4 c&c cage 1x2 upper but they don't go to the bathroom up there.
has lasted 2 weeks so far
Spot clean twice a day to three times a day
They only pee in one spot so I put wood pellets in that one spot.
I will throw some extra aspen on about every week (maybe more depending on how much they throw out)
Usually lasts three weeks without stinking or getting damp
1x2 has newspaper I change that daily (this is part of the 2x4 not the upper part so only 2x3 of this cage has aspen and 1x2 has newspaper the upper level has rugs usually)
Really over all it may seem like a lot of wasted time with 2-3 spot cleans a day, and changing the newspaper everyday. But it only takes about 5 min for each spot clean so thats 10-15 mins a day. Works out great. And saves money if I only have to clean once every three weeks.
I spot clean once at 5:45 in the morning and usually at 3:00 pm or 4:00 pm and maybe around noon I might do an extra spot clean. And if I have time I might do a spot clean 8:00 pm too.

I needed to think of something because bedding was really starting to add up (money wise). So I decided that spot cleaning would be worth it. So far everything has been working out great! I love it, money saving and conveinent (sp?)!
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ice_on_fire said:
2 piggies in a 2x3 C&C cage.. i use shredded paper... clean the entire cage every three days, but spot cleans everyday..
with paper and a 2x3, doesn't it smell?
loves2travel said:
with paper and a 2x3, doesn't it smell?

I would like to know too! (I would never use paper because I am worried they would cut their feet but I am curious)
I tried before with shredded newspaper in 2x4 cage for 2 piggies. I changed it every 2 days. Smell still ok but the paper get damp easily.
cinn&sprinslave said:
I needed to think of something because bedding was really starting to add up (money wise). So I decided that spot cleaning would be worth it. So far everything has been working out great! I love it, money saving and conveinent (sp?)!
I would like to try your methood. (spot clean more often, so that the cage can last longer more than a week)
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it doesn't really smell cuz i clean their cage alot plus everyday i open the window and doors .. it's probably gona stink a bit during the summer tho.. and the paper doesn't cut their feet
I think its fine once you air out the room. Even one day after cleaning, when I come home and open my bedroom it smells a little.

P.s ice on fire, you might want to change your avatar since you may be kicked of the site for having that one =)
3 sows in a 3x4, mixed Carefresh and pine or aspen, and I do a thorough cleaning about once every two weeks. Occasionally spot clean or just throw some more shavings in.
you're lucky to have that big a cage and not have to clean that often, metalchica, but doesnt the cost of careFRESH start adding up?
ice_on_fire said:
it doesn't really smell cuz i clean their cage alot plus everyday i open the window and doors .. it's probably gona stink a bit during the summer tho.. and the paper doesn't cut their feet
Thats good! I know every one keeps telling me the paper won't cut their feet, but ever since one of my friends piggs got bumble foot, now everything bugs me if my piggies feet can get hurt.... lol. I usually go around and air out the rooms too, in the afternoon, unless the air conditioning is on.....
kennethlhm said:
I would like to try your methood. (spot clean more often, so that the cage can last longer more than a week)
loves2travel said:
you're lucky to have that big a cage and not have to clean that often, metalchica, but doesnt the cost of careFRESH start adding up?
Not really because I mix it with the wood shavings. I use more shavings than Carefresh. A 50L bag lasts me through about four changes... so about $15 every two months.
wow! thats not very much, AND you dont have to change too often at all. Lucky Duck!
Two pigs
2x5, 2x3, 2x1 all connected.
Aspen, thin top layer of carefresh
Full change every three weeks, occasional spot cleanings as needed
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