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Hay Lack of fibre in my piggies diet?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 23, 2012
Not long ago I took my pigs to the vet to sort an eye problem. Whilst I was there I told the vet I had been noticing darker, softer stools - which was true. She told to not feed them veggies for a week (which made me a bit dubious and to be honest I didn't stick to it although I did feed them less) and less pellets to encourage them to eat more hay and therefore get more fibre. She said if they didn't improve bring them back and she would test for gut parasites - scary!

When I gave them less veggies the poops did go back to normal (ruling out the gut parasites I'm guessing?), but now I am back to giving them their usual amount I have started noticing the almost black colour and some misshapen ones again. Are they not eating enough hay? Should I be worried? Maybe I need to buy a different brand? I find it hard to trust vets completely as in my experience they have never been that competent and seem to group guinea pigs into one pool with all "small animals".
I am having similiar issues as you. I just posted a thread on Stress and digestive issues. What veggies and pellets are you feeding? Also have you changed hay? I was wondering is it was related to stress with my girls. I am beginning to wonder if it is not just one thing, but a few thing combined. I changed my girls pellets to KMs, also they have been getting a leafier hay over the winter, I made some changes to their cage last time this happened and this weekend we had company. Is only one having the problem? Do you find the shape is different with a pointy end? I have a very course hay as well as the leafy hay and find one guinea pig seems to eat the courser hay more often than my other girl and that seems to help. I am wondering if too much high quality hay, pellets, and veggies can be a little too rich for their systems. One by itself is maybe okay but add them all up and it may spell digestive upset. I agree with you that more course hay may help. Please note I say may and wonder because I am just trying to figure this all out. One thing that does work is keeping a daily journal of what you feed, any stresses and their reactions. That way you may see a pattern forming. Good luck. If you come up with any answers please share them.
@SarahPiggles, how much hay do you give them, and what kind? How many veggies are you feeding, and what kinds? How many pellets do they get?

The general rule for treating soft poops is to decrease the vegetable intake. Hay is more important in the overall scheme of things than vegetables are. And it's possible to feed pigs so many vegetables that they ignore the hay. That's not a good state of affairs.
They always have unlimited hay, a corner litter tray filled up, as well as a big reactangular one and a hay rack. It is meadow hay from a store in the UK called Jollys - it is quite fine with no big straw like bits - I think they like it compared to other more straw like hay but I might be imagining that! I never see "timothy hay" it is always just called meadow hay. I do change hay, but don't think it coincided with changing the hay, and they have had it before with no poop-effects.

I feed them a normal sized pellet bowl full of veggies once a day - this usually always includes celery, cucumber, red green or yellow bell pepper and a bit of carrot, then either romaine lettuce, spinach occasionally or other lettuces. I occasionally feed parsley, cherry tomatoes and brocolli. And very rarely apple. Are they meant to get a cup each of veggies? Because I don't think 2 cups fit in the bowl, which makes me think I don't give them enough veggies which is just confusing what with the whole poop situation! (lol)

I feed them burgess excel pellets, and there is usually always some in because they don't seem to eat them like crazy - I'd say they eat slightly less than a half cup between them. They like them though - squeak lots at the bag and start eating straight away if they do run out.

Delaine - Yes I do find the poops are darker and some with a pointy end. I'm also sure that both of them are having poops like this. By course hay do you mean hay with more straw-like pieces? A daily journal seems like a good idea!
My girls are having similar issues. Softer poops and some are small. How often should you change out the uneaten hay? I usually just refill the hay rack when it gets low.
My girls are having similar issues. Softer poops and some are small. How often should you change out the uneaten hay? I usually just refill the hay rack when it gets low.

I have seen some small poops too! I change the hay every day because they wee on it, but that is a good point actually because the hay in their hay rack has been there for a while, maybe that needs changing..
Also I think I have been getting confused with pellets - guinea lynx says they eat 1/8 of a cup a day when I was thinking it was 1/4 - so I may be giving them too many! :(
I have seen some small poops too! I change the hay every day because they wee on it, but that is a good point actually because the hay in their hay rack has been there for a while, maybe that needs changing..
Also I think I have been getting confused with pellets - guinea lynx says they eat 1/8 of a cup a day when I was thinking it was 1/4 - so I may be giving them too many! :(

I don't usually measure out their pellets. I just fill their bowl about half full. They don't ever eat them all. And I usually just refill it every other day. Should I take out the pellets they don't eat and give them all new ones? Its almost like the hay thing, I just refill them when they get low... BUT that is why we have this forum! To ask our questions!! :)
normal sized pellet bowl

How big is that? My pellet bowls are soap dishes.

Adult pigs need 1/8 cup of pellets per pig per day, no more than that.

Don't feed them much spinach -- just an occasional leaf or two. It's way too high in vitamin A and oxalates to be given on a frequent basis.

They need about one cup of veggies, but you should cut back if they have soft poop.

Hay is the most important thing in their diet, and is essential for keeping their teeth ground down and their GI tracts working normally.

There's no point in picking up uneaten pellets unless they've peed in the pellet dish. Ditto hay -- as long as it's still in the rack, I leave it there and add more to it. I do scoop up the peed-on hay every day, though.
How big is that?

Its 4.5 inches across the inside, ceramic. Okay I will cut back on the pellets, see if they eat more hay.

I know not to give them spinach often, but one or two leaves... even big leaves are only 2 inches square.. I didn't realise it was that bad for their health. Maybe it is better to just not bother with it?
My girls are having similar issues. Softer poops and some are small. How often should you change out the uneaten hay? I usually just refill the hay rack when it gets low.

I have two girls. I buy my hay by the bale and 120 lbs. cost me under $30.00 so I do waste a lot. I use it in their litter trays so I move any left over from their pile or hay rack to the trays twice a day and add new hay to the pile and rack. I probably compost a full big green garbage can of soiled hay a week. I figure it is cheaper than litter and they can eat it. They get really excited when I add new hay, even though they have lots, so mixing it up with fresh seems to get them out eating.

Delaine - Yes I do find the poops are darker and some with a pointy end. I'm also sure that both of them are having poops like this. By course hay do you mean hay with more straw-like pieces? A daily journal seems like a good idea!

Not so much straw like, but more fine stems with seed heads and just not leaf.
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