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Canada La Belle Province!!!


New Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 2, 2004
Salut, Hi

Y a t-il des gens de la province de Québec ici? Ou, des gens parlant français?

Are they any people from the province of Quebec in here? Or, any french spoken people?


thank you
Hey im in ottawa like seriously Hull is a 10 minute walk from my home.Im in montreal every weekend to race :).Anways where in Quebec are ya I'd love to meet up with another cavy lover in my area :).
I'm studying French right now, and I have taken it for three years so far. =)
Oui Je Parle Francais. J'habite Au Montreal. Mais Je Ne Suis Pas Tres Bonne Car Je Suis En Huitieme Annee.
pardon tous les majuscule.
bonjour.. commen on ca va..?
lolz.. that's basically all i know in french.. i used to live in ottawa so that's pretty close to quebec.. i went there plenty of times tho
I took French for about 7 years, from grade school through college, but that was about 6 years ago, so I'm not great at it any more... I know enough to be able to understand it when I hear or read it, but I've forgotten a lot of the vocabulary. I just never get the chance to use it :(
Je parle aussi français. Pas très bien, mais je le parle.
Allo les Francais!!! Je suis fanco-canadien et j'en suis fiers! Je viens de l'Ontario et je frequente l'ecole francaise depuis la maternelle! La province de Quebec n'est pas trop loin de chez moi, seulement uh 30 minutes. A l'ecole, on me force a parler le francais! Quand j'etait jeune, si je parlais en anglais a l'ecole je serrai en trouble. J'ai du famille au Quebec, mais la ville que je visite le plus est tres petite. Y en as-tu des gens ici qui sont alle a Temiskaming? C'est cool de voir que plusieurs gens sur le site parle le francais!

Hello to all of the french people. I'm french-canadian and proud of it! I'm from Ontario et I'v been attending completely french schools since pre-kindergarden. The province of Quebec isnt too far away from where I live, about 30 minutes. At school, the students are forced to speak french. When I was young, if I spoke english at school, I'd get in trouble. I have family in Quebec, but the township I visit the most is really small. Ever hear of Temiskaming? Its cool to see that many people on this site speak french!

Oh yeah! I'm a french highschool student in grade 11. And man I wish I had a french keyboard, its hard to use the alt key when I have to type french homework.
Okay, here goes:

Je parle le Francais juste un petit peut. Je ne peux pas parle le Francais trop bien, mais je parle un peux.

I live in Blenheim, Ontario. See you.
Salut je suis francophone aussi. But I try to write english. I would be very delighted to know people from Canada. Espacially from Quebec. I'm brand new cavy's owner. Each day, I discover a little bit of things about that wonderfull pet.
Bonjour, Je vive en Ontario, mais je pris le lecons du francais. J'aime la langue. Mais c'est tres difficile!
Allo! C'est evident qu'il y a d'autres gens ici qui parlent francais, et c'est bon de le voir. Ma langue maternelle est l'Anglais, mais comme j'habite a Montreal, j'ai pris des cours de francais depuis la maternelle. SVP m'excusez si je fais des petites fautes de grammaire (c'est l'ete, et je n'ai pas pris des cours de francais depuis quelques semaines...!)
fuzypeaches: je trouve ton nom tres amusant- ma cochon d'Inde s'appele Peaches, mais ses cheveux sont trop longs d'etre 'fuzy'

Hi! It seems that there are other people here who speak french, and that's nice to see. My first language is English, but since I live in Montreal, I've taken french classes since kindergarten. Please excuse any slight grammar mistakes that I may make (it's summer vacation, and I haven't taken any french classes for a couple of weeks...!)
fuzypeaches: I find your name amusing- my piggy's name is Peaches, but her hair is too long to be considered fuzzy.
I am french, but I don't speak french. Kinda funny story because my dad never bothered teaching me french.
I am french, but I don't speak french. Kinda funny story because my dad never bothered teaching me french.

I'm glad you find it amusing, I think it is kind of sad. :(

My husbands grandmother was French (Parents where from France) She however married an English man and was not allowed to teach her kids french. My Husbands mother however not speaking the language herself, put my husband into french immersion for 12 years.

Now we are trying to get our 3 year old into a francophone school. My husband speaks it really well, but because it was not his first language, and he did not attend a Francophone school, they don't have to admit her. We are sending her to a french daycare for 2 days a week for July and Augest. Hopefully she learns enough (and with what DH has been able to teach her so far) to pass a test, then we still have to be approved. Total hoop jumping, we are bitting our nails with hope!

I think it is really sad when families let the second language go, hopefully for our daughter, we can get it back for her!
I live in Ontario, and was taught French in school from first grade through to OAC (grade 13) - you'd think after 13 years of Frech classes I would be fluent or something, but I'm not at all. I can understand most written French, but my grammar (verb tense conjugations and stuff) is really weak, and my accent is terrible so I don't like to speak it. I guess the way I learned it focused too much on reading and writing. Though that (and taking Latin) did help for getting around in Europe, being able to sort of guess at what some things mean, because its similar in French.
I'm Canadian, but I do not speak fluent french, I wish I did but no chance. I learned french from grade 1 to grade 9 when it was manditory that we take it, but after grade 9 I stopped. I understand all the french you are writing, and can understand when it's spoken to me, but my replys are broken, and I'm not quick to recall vocabulary. Very intresting to read things in a different language.
This may be way off topic, but this is something I really find appalling. In Montreal we have a total of three investigators working for the SPCA. Also, Quebec is the only province without laws protecting its animals. I am writing letters to parliament, and i'm writing articles for the gazette and other papers concerning this. I really do need some help, the more people that help raise awareness for this the better! I would really appreciate it, and so would the thousands upon thousands of pets that get abandonned each year!
Hey Everyone,

I live in montreal, and Im interested in building my own cavy cage for my two pigs. (their cage is becoming too small!) I cant find cubes ANYWHERE. Clorosplast either. Any suggestions on where I could get some.
I wonder... do you have any of the following stores around you?
Real Canadian Superstore
Canadian Tire
Home Depot

If not then maybe ordering them off the internet?

As for coro, seeing as election time is around the corner here in Ontario, I wonder if it is the same for you? I would snatch some signs, and build away.
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