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Kidney stones?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 14, 2004
Dagwell makes these lurching motions, looks like he would be vomiting or something. He is also really sensitive in the area right in front of his legs. I was talking to someone who had guinea pigs for a long time and he said it could be a symtom of kidney stones. I looked on guinea lynx and it didn't say anything (not that I would understand it anyway).
So can guinea pigs get kidney stones? Any other informations you might know would be greatly appreciated.
I know they can get bladder stones, but I would assume they get kidney stones. If he is in pain I would call the vets and ask to speak with someone, it could be serious.
He's not in constant pain (I can just tell) but when I pet him there he spazes out. I like to have some info on it before I go to the vet just to be sure I'm not paranoid.
Yes they can get kidney stones, to much calcium can cause them and as a person who has had numerous ones, take him to the vet. The pain can come and go and can vary in intensity. It can also be fatal to them and would be a horrible way to die. This is why they talk about the calium in the diet and why fresh water should always be available as well.
What are foods I should avoid? Calcium wise (don't show me guinea-lynx, i can't understand their charts to save my soul)
I would ask at guinea lynx. They are very helpful.
Spinach and parsley are two main veggies to cut way down on or avoid all together if you suspect your pig is getting too much calcium. You may want to take this piggie to the vet and see if he has a kidney stone. If it passes from the kidney into the ureter and it's a large stone, it could kill him trying to pass.
My gp Coco sounds exactly like yours dagwellismypigy. He never lets me touch near his back legs if I do he tries to bite me. I think that it is just a preference and that he doesn't liked to be touched there because he has always been like that. When I brought him to the vet once I was going to tell her about this but when he was there he let me touch him in front of his back legs. So I don't think he is in pain just doesn't like it. If he had been in real pain it still would of hurt him. As well the lurching forward like he is going to puke is also something my pig has done before (mainly after he was sick from being on Baytril). Look under hiccups in the guinealynx medical forum and see if what people wrote is similar to what you saw.
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