Ok so today i got my C&C cage in...it's a 27"x 71"...13 square feet of cage. Plus i have the 2x2 loft..!! It's for my 3 lil female piggies...which i think they are goin to love it. But honestly, it is being a pain in the butt to put up and get ready...The coroplast isn't laying down right...grrr !! I will get it figured out. I'm done for the night though...i have to walk away before i get to frustrated and break something....doesn't help that i am tryin to quit smoking and the cage isn't being nice..!! I still have to go get the double sided tape for the edges, U-hauls blankets, More Fleece and something to wrap around the ramp...I have a lil jumper, so i'm afraid she will take a nose dive if i don't put something up to where she can't jump off the ramp...!! I'm hoping by this weekand i will have their new home ready for them...And i will b posting pics up soon !!
I'm hoping to even build them a bigger home later on...!!
I'm hoping to even build them a bigger home later on...!!