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C&C Just received my C&C cage today !!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 22, 2012
Ok so today i got my C&C cage in...it's a 27"x 71"...13 square feet of cage. Plus i have the 2x2 loft..!! It's for my 3 lil female piggies...which i think they are goin to love it. But honestly, it is being a pain in the butt to put up and get ready...The coroplast isn't laying down right...grrr !! I will get it figured out. I'm done for the night though...i have to walk away before i get to frustrated and break something....doesn't help that i am tryin to quit smoking and the cage isn't being nice..!! I still have to go get the double sided tape for the edges, U-hauls blankets, More Fleece and something to wrap around the ramp...I have a lil jumper, so i'm afraid she will take a nose dive if i don't put something up to where she can't jump off the ramp...!! I'm hoping by this weekand i will have their new home ready for them...And i will b posting pics up soon !!

I'm hoping to even build them a bigger home later on...!! :)
Lol, Good luck. you and they will love it once you get it done.
Good luck with quitting smoking. I'm an ex smoker and quit years ago. It was the BEST thing I've ever done in my life. You'll be amazed how much easier it will be to breathe and food will taste better. Every day will get a little easier..... I'm a compulsive gum chewer now..... ha ha
Good luck with quitting smoking. I'm an ex smoker and quit years ago. It was the BEST thing I've ever done in my life. You'll be amazed how much easier it will be to breathe and food will taste better. Every day will get a little easier..... I'm a compulsive gum chewer now..... ha ha

When i was younger i HATED smokers, but as i grew up and always around them, i picked up the habit..:( I guit a couple of times, even one time for a yr...but life lil struggles kicked me back into the habit. I really do hate smoking...the smell, taste and health issues, but i'm not goin to say that i don't like the kick that they give...like w/ a lil energy and with weight. I know i will balloon up and gain some weight...That will b my hardest thing to overcome...is not turning to food. It was the reason i went back to smoking was that i was gaining to much weight...!! :( But i have no choice but to quit...i have up coming surgery...i have got 5 hernias that need to be repaired...Doc already told me it's ether i quit and have the surgery or keep smoking and deal with them..!
What gum do u chew....I have tryed most of them and can't find one that i really like. They ether r too freaking sweet..or they leave a funky after taste in your mouth. I have that Trident double layer gum right now...i think it's cherry and lime...it's not bad, but nasty after taste !! LoL
When i was younger i HATED smokers, but as i grew up and always around them, i picked up the habit..:( I guit a couple of times, even one time for a yr...but life lil struggles kicked me back into the habit. I really do hate smoking...the smell, taste and health issues, but i'm not goin to say that i don't like the kick that they give...like w/ a lil energy and with weight. I know i will balloon up and gain some weight...That will b my hardest thing to overcome...is not turning to food. It was the reason i went back to smoking was that i was gaining to much weight...!! :( But i have no choice but to quit...i have up coming surgery...i have got 5 hernias that need to be repaired...Doc already told me it's ether i quit and have the surgery or keep smoking and deal with them..!
What gum do u chew....I have tryed most of them and can't find one that i really like. They ether r too freaking sweet..or they leave a funky after taste in your mouth. I have that Trident double layer gum right now...i think it's cherry and lime...it's not bad, but nasty after taste !! LoL

I started smoking when I was 18 and quit when I was 28. My father in law died from lung cancer and everyone quit smoking when he was diagnosed. I didn't even want to quit but I figured if I didn't then, I never would. I've chewed a lot of different brands of gum but now I chew Eclipse spearmint gum. It's in a rectangle shape, almost like Chicklets. I also drink a lot of coffee. I never had an issue with gaining weight when I quit. It was more about doing something with my hands.
Hope you get the cage situated and I'm excited for your piggie babies! They're going to love living in there! :eek:
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