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Just not fair! Poor unwanted piggy!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 1, 2012
So a tad bit pf a rant. I went looking at the store to see if they had Oxbow adult food for my piggies and if not could they order it. I thought I'd sneak a peek at their new baby piggies that they got to replace the two I got. Instead of two babies I see one very big pig. One of the assosiates sees me and comes to ask how my babies are doing and we get on the topic of the new pig.

As it turns out the piggy is around 2 years old and was brought back to the store because the owners didn't want him anymore. Seriously? This sweet harmless guinea pig who was relativly calm was abandoned cayse they tired of him? And couldnt be bothered to look for a new home themselves?

Now pet stores to my understanding generally sell younger pets and so they ha to have had this piggu a year or more before they decided to get rid of him. Cthe policy at the store is 7 days or so I was told. And a two year old pig as big as he was has got to be harder to sell then a 12wk old baby. Yet they took him in anyway!

So while I am ranting at whoever dumped this poor baby at the store cause they were tired of him, I have to applaude the managment of this particular store for taking him back. They truely care for these animals and while I know many a bad store exists, this location gives me hope for people.

I am tempted to take him because the poor pig doesnt deserve to be put through any more stress, but a.) i dont know for sure if its a boy b.) i dont have a second cage for quarientene and c.) i dont want to try introducing them. I'm sure he was alone most his life and being suddenly with two hyper babies, well, i'd feel bad if they ganged up on him! Oh and my cage isn't big enough for three. Its technically not big enough for two grow pigs since i am in the process of expanding it. I can only hope he gets a good forever home.
Our local pet store often takes the pigs back when peopla are tired of them. They put them by the checkout and they are free, but you need a cage. They said they come to work and find them outside in boxes. So apparently the former owners keep the cage and supplies, just not the animal. Hmmmm......
I guess it's not much different than taking a guinea pig to a shelter, except it's more lazy since most people have pet stores closer to their homes than humane societies. I look at my sweet little Borat, the most laid-back piggy to ever walk the earth, and it boggles my mind how someone could have turned him in voluntarily to a shelter as "too much responsibility." I can't imagine ever giving him up.
this is on of the many reasons i don't go to pet stores. the moral dilemma about what to do for those poor animals is more than i can resolve. not for nothing, but i also feel the same about many shelters. they do the best they can, but so may of the ones i've been to are dirty, smelly, with animals of all kinds kept in cramped housing (PLEASE don't send me hate mail - i know that many shelters are good and treat animals well. remember, i just said "the ones i've been to.. . .'). as a society, we just haven't evolved enough to understand that all creatures deserve to be treated well and cared for properly. i used to have a button that read, "no one is free is anyone is oppressed." works for ALL creatures, far as i can figure.
Indeed! I feel doublely bad for him cause they just got a pair of babies in (little cresteds! Well one might be a cornet? If i'm remebering right) so its harder for people to want a big pig up against two babies. I got to hold him and he just purrrrred away, so sweet. And he is definitly a boy. I feel so bad for him. I'm baffled why someone would not want such a sweetie.
Are they asking the same price for him as for the babies? If so, it's highly unlikely that someone will choose him over cute little ones. I hope they're discounting him to give him a chance. One of our local pet stores gets a new batch of babies before the older piggies are all sold, and it breaks my heart every time I see the older ones in among the little ones. I have no idea what they eventually do with the adults, and I figure I probably don't want to know.
That is so sad :( It breaks my heart.
These kind of stories just tick me off :mad:
Why do people even attempt to give a animal a home if their heart isn't in it for the long haul?
Look at divorce rates and all the cases of people dumping, or even killing, their kids (it seems we have a baby or child murdered at least weekly in my area). In the context of how little humans care about their relationships with others of their species, and even blood kin, it's not surprising they think of animals as disposable.
Look at divorce rates and all the cases of people dumping, or even killing, their kids (it seems we have a baby or child murdered at least weekly in my area). In the context of how little humans care about their relationships with others of their species, and even blood kin, it's not surprising they think of animals as disposable.
K, Mufasa just went to the dark side. :p
Had to point out the sad truth of our species. I've come across way to many people who say, it's just a dog, just a cat, just a bird, just a, just a, just a. So sad human's can feel so little.
I think they are. I was gonna try and see if i bought a cage ( for quarinteine) if they would let me have him cheep or free even. They almost all know me and know how much i love guinea pigs. But everyone from my mom (who i live with) my girlfriend (who holds a lot of sway) and even my head (an older boar with two boars about to hit purberty?!) tell me no i cant save him. Bbut if they try to dump him at a pound i'm prepared to ignore everyone and take him. All of our animals (minus my pigs) are saved right before they headed to the pound. Heck if thats the case i might even convince my mom to take him for my little bro. He is crazy for my two. He'd flip for his own.

Mufasa did go dark but so true! People dont care enough about eachother so i guess it isnt surprising they can have a total disregard for another creature.
Look at divorce rates and all the cases of people dumping, or even killing, their kids (it seems we have a baby or child murdered at least weekly in my area). In the context of how little humans care about their relationships with others of their species, and even blood kin, it's not surprising they think of animals as disposable.

One of the many reasons I am as anti-social as I am! I don't like people. :p

I used to go to an exotic vet who'd also see dogs and cats. People with dogs would see my guinea pigs and tell me stories of how they released theirs into the wild,etc. I'm shy so I didn't say anything rude back, but inside I was just seething!

When I was 16 my boyfriend at the time had outside cats. One of them got a hold of this peculiar rodent creature that I'd never seen before. I only know what it was now, 5 years later. A guinea pig. Long and slinky just like my Artemis(he's young and hasn't put on the pudge yet). The one his cat got I scooped up in a shoebox and frantically made my boyfriend drive around to shelters,pounds,etc. They all turned me away and I was forced to watch it die. I hope with all my heart that animals can't feel any pain when they're in shock.

Sometimes when I look at Artemis I remember that poor little animal from my teens. How could anyone release their pet into the wild? They can't survive out there!

Sorry for ranting and hijacking! I think it's just as despicable to dump them at pet stores. The pigs don't know what's going on, they don't know their entire livelihood relies on people caring for them. They're just innocent little babies that want to eat and poop happily all day. :(
Aww what a sad story! And hijack away, i dont mind.

Somewhat good news for the abandoned pig, the babies they have will be unavalible for a while as while i was at the store checking on the big pig I was talking to one of the pig friendly assosiates and I noticed crusty eyes and a crusty nose on one of them, and the other had a little bit of crusty eyes, so they are undergoing medical treatment for a uri and the store wont sell them till they get the all clear from the vet! So if someone wants a pig the sweetie pie 2yr old is the only one avalible!

Plus they said they are pushing the fact that he is already tame compared to the tiny babies. I'm gonna keep checking up on him till he gets a home.
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