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Just a few questions


Cavy Gazer
Jun 4, 2005
Hello everyone. Ill just ask my questions in a list. First off I bought a new pig today for my previous one so he can have a friend, ok so my question is how long will it take till they get to know each other well and how long i should wait to start holding them. My first one i bought about two or three months ago and hes still is a little scared of me when i get near him and he will start to nibble on my fingers and stuff when i am holding him. Is that normal for how long i have had him, and what is the nibbling about? Also can anyone give me some tips on how to maybe tame them a little better so they both can understand that im not thier to hurt them, but only too feed them and pet them.
Also what kinds of Treats should i feed them while tameing?

Thanks for any help.
You need to quarentine the new pig. Pet store pigs are known to carry disease, mites, lice, fleas, etc. Keep the two pigs apart for 3 weeks for their safety.

Get the new pig to a good exotic vet right away. For the same reasons as listed above he needs to see a doctor for a full check-up. While he is there have the vet double check the sex of your guinea pigs. You want to make certain you have two pigs of the same sex.

Once you start to do all of this we will be more then happy to make sure the introductions go as good as possible.
Hi there.

Firstly you need to check the sex of the new addition. Pet stores are notourious for mis sexing pigs (and other animals) Check out www.cavyspirit.com and click on the sexing link.

Like voodoo said, you need to keep the seperate so that the new pig doesn't pass on any illnesses to your current one. Make a small cage and keep them in seperate rooms. Looks at https://www.cavyspirit.com/sociallife.htm#Quarantine for more details. Also if you want to know about how to introduce them (yes you guessed it, another link!) go here https://www.cavyspirit.com/sociallife.htm#Introductions

Guinea pigs are naturally prey animals, so they will most likely, always run when you enter. I've had mine for 8 months and they are still scared. Obviously there have been some advancements in the "tameness", but they still freak out sometimes.

The nibbling could indicate two things - the pig may have mange mites meaning that when you pet him, you are in fact irrating his skin. You need ivermectin to treat this. Or, he may be smelling some food on your finger or mistaking your finger for a carrot!

Treats - don't let those pet store people lure you into buying yoghurt drops and such. You can try giving fruits for treats. Mine love oranges, apples and strawberries. Fruits are high in sugar so don't feed too many. Equally, you can give some parsley or carrots as a treat.

What kind of cage setup do you have? Have you had a look at the home page https://www.guineapigcages.com ?
Thanks for all the input, i really appreciate it. The two pigs seem to really love each other and are very happy, but of course i will take your advice and seperate them. Also about how much would it be to take them in for a check up, i would like to get that done as soon as possible but am very limited on money right now. Trust me ill get them in within the week still. I'll try and get some pics up of them as soon as possible. My original pig is a long haired multi colored, and the new one is short with Light brown and white spots, I already love thoughs little pigs so much.

Thanks again for the info.
No problem! It depends on the check up fee...where abouts do you live (don't worry, I won't stalk you!). Yes, pictures would be lovely!

How old are your 2 pigs? If they are both under 6 months old they should be getting alfalfa hay. If one is older than the other then have a half mix - half alfalfa/half timothy.
Forgot to add, are you ok about cutting nails? If not, when you do go the vet, get him to show you how to do it. Also, make sure he does not take a skin scraping.
Have you sexed them? I'd make sure they're the same, or you'll end up with babies. Next time, please adopt from a shelter or rescue.
I have a male and a Female. I plan to take them in for a check up within the next week and am going to have the male nuttered while i'm at it. Also i love buying from the pet store because i figure if people just aviod the pet stores the poor animals thier wont live fun healthy lifes and are always just kept in the same cage and don't get good exercise, people who breed and sell them love thier animals so they always usualy get great attention. So i will always buy from the pet store. Sorry.
No no no! The female may already be pregnant because you put them together. Do you even know how irresponsible breeding is? Definately get the male neutered.

I, alongside others on this board, are very pro-adoption. You may feel that you have rescued your pigs from the pet store, but what about the ones that have replaced the pigs you have purchased? What? you feel sorry for them too? Don't tell me that you are going to buy every single guinea pig in the store. If we lessen the demand, then the supply will decrease too. Guinea pigs at shelters need a loving home - they have usaally been mistreated by their owners, usually kids who get bored of them.

Do you understand our point of view?
Yeah, them pet mill breeders are soo great. They love their animals so much they backbreed them repeatedly, keep them in cramped conditions and feed them rabbit pellets, and sell them to pet stores who often mistreat them or stuff them in freezers to die instead of paying vet care bills.


Meanwhile, those guinea pigs in shelters are put to sleep and while rescue pigs in foster wait forever for a loving home of their own.

By the way, no responsible breeder would sell their animals to a pet store where they have no control over where they go, but you keep supporting them irresponsible breeders and pet stores who make money off the suffering of animals.
rabbitsncavyluv said:
Yeah, them pet mill breeders are soo great. They love their animals so much they backbreed them repeatedly, keep them in cramped conditions and feed them rabbit pellets, and sell them to pet stores who often mistreat them or stuff them in freezers to die instead of paying vet care bills.


Meanwhile, those guinea pigs in shelters are put to sleep and while rescue pigs in foster wait forever for a loving home of their own.

By the way, no responsible breeder would sell their animals to a pet store where they have no control over where they go, but you keep supporting them irresponsible breeders and pet stores who make money off the suffering of animals.
Oh believe me i will always buy from a pet store since thiers always the option of taking them to the vet and getting them back to health. Wouldn't you like to be bought if you were sitting in the same poop covered cage all day, having butt hole little kids picking you up and tormenting you all the time, no you wouldnt. I don't support the pet stores i just figure i can give the pets in them a better life buy taking them away from their horrible life. So don't act like your better than me because you will buy them from a breeder. Your racist towards the pigs that are in the pet stores. You think your too good to buy from the pet store or too lazy to take them to the vet and give a pig a good life.
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CasperJ said:
Oh believe me i will always buy from a pet store since thiers always the option of taking them to the vet and getting them back to health. Wouldn't you like to be bought if you were sitting in the same shiht covered cage all day, having ahss hole little kids picking you up and tormenting you all the time, no you wouldnt. I don't support the pet stores i just figure i can give the pets in them a better life buy taking them away from their horrible life. So don't act like your better than me because you will buy them from a breeder. Your racist towards the pigs that are in the pet stores. You think your too good to buy from the pet store or too lazy to take them to the vet and give a pig a good life.

We do not buy from breeders. We rescue from shelters and adopt from rescues. You are the one lining the breeders and pet stores pockets with money. You are the one contributing to the problem, you are the one killing them. Please, stand up and take a bow, you just killed a few pigs today.

We are not "racist" towards the pigs in pet stores, we just care enough NOT to buy them and allow the cycle to continue. We are not too lazy to take them to vets, many of us have rescues that go to the vet all the time.
I don't buy from breeders or pet stores. I rescue them from shelters and foster, as well as adopt straight from shelters.

You buy them from pet store breeders. Where do you think the pet stores get them? BREEDERS.

You aren't helping. You're just condemning the ones in the mills and pet stores because the cycle will continue. You think buying a few will make a difference?

If people are willing to buy continually sick pet mills animals like yourself, then of course they'll keep breeding them and selling them. That's not how to stop them. You need to stop supporting them and educating them. Submit your vet bills to the pet stores. Make it unprofitable for them to sell animals, not profitable.

I have a vet by the way. All my animals get medical treatment, so your "argument" has no basis in reality.

Did you even read any of the links provided? What area do you live in?

I bet there are tons of homeless animals near you. What about them? They'll be put to sleep and never have a chance.
woah buddy, slow down. None of us buy from breeders, we adopt from rescues like Katie said. You are so immature - this has got to be the best site around and you are telling us that we don't care for pigs?

Have you seen the amount of work we put towards building C&C cages? Don't you dare say we are not bothered to look after guinea pigs. Some of us have to look for months just to get the supplies. I didn't eat lunch for 3 months just so that I could save my lunch money for the pigs. Don't you dare call me lazy.

You didn't answer my question casper. Yes you will "rescue" the pigs from the pet store. But what are you going to do when the petstore replaces the pigs you have bought? Are you going to march down to the store and buy those too? It's an endless cycle. You are so narrow minded and ignorant.*argh* you've made me so ANGRY!
You can't rescue from a pet store. When you buy from a pet store you are telling them "YES! Keep doing that with your animals! I don't care how they are treated! I will support you anyway!"
Very good point - where do the pigs from the pet stores come from? Answer that for us
I'm not arguing with you idiot over the internet because it is retarted. I do what i do because like you said they will just put them in the freezer and kill them that way anyways. at least the ones at the shelters will get put to sleep easier than that. I don't know much about shelters i thought breeders were what you guys would buy from. How does it make me narrow minded and ignorant to buy from a pet store when you guys are buying from pretty much a pet store anyways. Though homeless pigs that people abandoned or got bored of probably bought thier pig from the pet store any ways, did you think of that. I'm just preventing them from being bought from a stupid little kid and then being ignored and put in a shelter. They don't need that stress. So don't call me ignorant. Im just helping the pigs in my own way. Are you guys going to go down to the shelter and buy every pig that is thier too, NO!!!!! it's the same thing.
I really, really don't think you belong here.
How rude - I hate it when people say 'spaz' or 'retarted'. I'm not going to say anything, you've really pissed me off
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