Slap, I used horse paste that had 1.87% ivermectin in too. Works perfectly. Just dilute it with warm water and use the link dagwell gave. Be extra careful though since it's given orally.
that's what I use on mine. I did the calculations myself instead of approximating the way GL does (not that there's anything wrong with that). I found that if you dilute a quarter tube you get 70 doses (5.67 mcg/ounce, 3.23 mg for a 3.5 pound pig) for pigs that are 3.5 pounds. So one tube will have enough for four treatments for 70 3.5 pound pigs.
edit: If anyone wants their calculations double checked, I was paranoid about making a mistake too. I have a chart with the dose for pigs from less than a pound to 4 pounds.
That's why I did them myself, because I have a baby, mid sized adult, and fat rat, and I wanted to dilute it differently to make it practical to measure.