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I've Created Monsters


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 6, 2005
We had a routine, my piggies and me. They wheeked when I came home from work, (its veggie time), and a few other times during the evening. All was well.

All was well till I made a 3rd level to my cage. When I wake up this morning to get dressed to go to work, as my retired husband is sound asleep (he wishes there were no such thing as piggies) my piggies are gathered on the 3rd floor watching clearly at 6:30 a.m., in unison, their melodic voices travel through my bedroom "WE SEE YOU" WE SEE YOU" "WE SEE YOU" as I try to get my pants and blouse on watching my husband stirring in the bed hoping beyond hope that I can run out before mayham starts. No such luck, "WHEEK, WHEEK, WHEEK", what could they possibly want from me this early. They have their food, water is filled, hay is ready and waiting. Nothing is different from any other morning. I pet them hoping this would quiet them down. No such luck. My husband raises his head from the pillow with closed eyes rambling, "whats going on"?, I run into the kitchen and quickly retrieve 2 stalks of romain hearts. I throw them at my piggies, holding my breath........aah, all is quiet once again. My husbands lays back down snoring as I run to get my pocketbook and keys and make a dash for the door.

So much for a 3rd level where they can now see me.
Haha, that's too cute. Well we know they love you.
lol that is so cute. My husband once woke me up at 3:30 in the morning to tell me to shut them piggies up. We have no idea why they all started wheeking for no apparent reason. I cant hear so I can sleep through it. I wear a hearing aid when Im up.
Oh dear. Naughty piggies. Talk about spoiled, 3 levels! Have you got pics? Good thing your hubby can fall back asleep easily. Retired when you still have to work! Nice for him...I hope he cooks. ;)
Hahaha that's hysterical! Every morning when my alarm goes off, I normally stay asleep for another 15-20 minutes. When I finally get up, I see Dumpling sitting patiently with her front paws on the foodbowl, looking at me. Like clockwork, she also does this when I get home at night. She's been a good girl so far though - she's still new enough to not be as demanding...yet. She doesn't wheek until I head for the kitchen. But once I turn on the kitchen light, it's all over. So cute.
That's too funny. I can picture it now... a bunch of beady eyes peering at you in the dark... "okay, ready guys... NOW!"... "WHEEK, WHEEK, WHEEK!"
I bet they were very happy with themselves!! LOL.
That is too funny!
I love the cage setup you got there. I wish I could have a 3rd level but with 22 piggies I dont think so.
Ha! That's too funny! Maybe you should give your husband earplugs?
Great cage. I looove the little tent and the hammock. I must do something like that. Did you make the tent? Very cool.
i hear you. Yeah you should give him earplugs.
Thats so cute! As soon as my feet touch the ground (when I get out of bed) the wheeks start! I love it.
I made the tent on the 3rd level. All others you see I bought. This morning I ignored the wheeks and just got dressed in another room and ran out the door. The wheeks only lasted for 10 seconds thank god or my husband would have thrown them out the window......only kidding......sort of -). I hope I can break this habit. We shall see.
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