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Cavy Slave
Apr 30, 2012
Hi, I got a pair of guinea pigs resently. They were in a pet shop cage but after less than one day I moved them into their playpen.
I wanted to make them a cage so yesturday I put this together. I still have to cut and fold the correx. Im not looking forward to this at all though.

What do you all think of this so far. The measurements on the longest sides are 191cm x 109cm and it has a total area of 1.9m squared.
It will be home to 2 male piggies.
Cool!!! Is wood the bace and the sides, and then you will poot coroplast on it!

Cool cage
What a fantastic looking set up! I do love seeing alternative cages that aren't just made from your standard grids. So creative, and I do like the shape.

Nicely done! I'm sure your precious piggies will love it!

Good luck with your Correx project too. :eek:ptimist:
Very nice looking and great use of your space. Would love to see it all finished with piggies in place.
Thanks a lot.
I made it that shape so I could walk past. The stripey bit in the corner is my bed. I didnt want to try and dodge cage corners in the.middle of the night. Sore shins, ha.
I will updat this thread later with finished photos. Im almost done. :)
That it just brilliant! Well done :)
Ive finished

So Ive finished now. I still need to get some more bits but Im sure that Basil and Mr Bigglesworth are happy with it so far.
I had a little bit of correx left over so have put this over one corner, I think that it looks quite neat.
I have also made a kitchen area using "boot trays" from B&M's. They were only £1.49 each, I have stacked two and covered the top one with towel then some nice material.
Im not sure about the water bottle placement and will have to have a think about that. I had forgotten about it so had to quickly hash something up. Ive already made the red patterned and the pink chequed cushioned mats in the photo.
What else can I make or do to the cage to make this better for my pigs? Any sugestions welcome.

Thanks a lot
i love it its so creative im sure ur piggies love it!!!
If you still need an idea for the water bottle, we use the grids in a partial cube and put the bottle on it. Your cage is amazing. You did a great job. Lucky piggies.
Lovely cage. I'd sure like to live there if I was a piggie.
Maybe you could use an aquarium attachment for your water bottle? The piggies are adorable!! I was thinking you could turn one of the step stools in your cage into a fleece forest - but you've got pretty much everything they need!! Thanks for sharing the pics!!
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